lol, yeah I feel short enough as it is. And yeah, I have to agree she can be a air head some times. But you got to admit Ed is too. I got to say that is one of the things I love most about him. Like when he goes crazy because someone called him small. Its hilarious to watch. lol
You have no idea how deep this die hard obsession goes.
Anywho, these are not the only reasons I hate her. I just think that she is an airhead and kinda obnoxious. v_v
And Ed as god.... hmm... what a wonderful world that would be.
Only bad thing is that he would make us all ...... s****er... than him. Not sure if I could live that way.
OK, I just got to say. Don't kill me!!! with laughter!! lol You seriously have a Ed complex. Not that is entirely a bad thing. I love Ed too, but calling him a god is a little over the top. (imagining Ed as god)
Also you shouldn't let your obsession with one character fuel your hate for another. Its not fair.
I still love you Ed. Your the best anime character ever!!
I didn't bust a lung... I was just venting my deep and passionate hatred for her. That's all. :<
And, yes.... I go back and forth when I start thinking about Edward's happiness and all that, but then I get to the bigger and better picture: Winry never existing. *.*
So, yeah. :
She was okay in the first anime, I guess... But she is just a little too.... I don't know. I guess it's her personality. BUT Brotherhood made me want her to perish in a very slow and painful way. v_v
Last edited by iOtaku62 at 7:48:42 PM CDT on September 9, 2010.
Aww poor Winry! ... >_> She was really annoying in the first anime, as truthfully it would have mostly survived without her, but I liked her in Brotherhood. I forgot about Mustang killing her parents... [ohhyeeaahhh]
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/15/10 | Reply
YUS! >:D
Pure genius. :3
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/14/10 | Reply
lol, yeah I feel short enough as it is. And yeah, I have to agree she can be a air head some times. But you got to admit Ed is too. I got to say that is one of the things I love most about him. Like when he goes crazy because someone called him small. Its hilarious to watch. lol

Senior Otaku | Posted 10/14/10 | Reply
@aoi bara:
Number 6.... One of my finest work of hatred. XD
Thanks. :3
Last edited by iOtaku62 at 7:51:04 PM CDT on October 14, 2010.
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/14/10 | Reply
You have no idea how deep this die hard obsession goes.
Anywho, these are not the only reasons I hate her. I just think that she is an airhead and kinda obnoxious. v_v
And Ed as god.... hmm... what a wonderful world that would be.
Only bad thing is that he would make us all ...... s****er... than him. Not sure if I could live that way.
aoi bara
The Shadow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/11/10 | Reply
lol at no.6. *imagines the whole scene*
thanx for the entry!
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/10/10 | Reply
OK, I just got to say. Don't kill me!!! with laughter!! lol You seriously have a Ed complex. Not that is entirely a bad thing. I love Ed too, but calling him a god is a little over the top. (imagining Ed as god)
Also you shouldn't let your obsession with one character fuel your hate for another. Its not fair.
I still love you Ed.
Your the best anime character ever!!
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/14/10 | Reply
Death to the SBWDKTEEIAG's!!!
(Acronym meaning: Skunk.Bags.Who.Don't.Know.That.Edward.Elric.Is.A.God)
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/14/10 | Reply
sadly yes.
*sigh* some people just don't understand....
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
... Some scum-balls of people out there don't consider Ed-sama a god?
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
You're in first place for the "People who are really close to being as obsessed with Edward as I am" contest. (actually there is no contest...)
BTW I'm talking about the "god" comment.
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
Well... I will not deny the evil part... but, Edward needn't worry! :D
I won't harm a god. :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
You are very evil...
I'm starting to feel sorry for Winry....
Hell I'm starting to fear for Edward's sake!
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
And, yes.... I go back and forth when I start thinking about Edward's happiness and all that, but then I get to the bigger and better picture: Winry never existing. *.*
So, yeah. :
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
Jeez don't bust a lung. BTW I think you just made me hate Winry. and I used to hate the fact that Edward never really told her he loved her...
nah. nevermind. i don't hate Winry. although she is annoying....
i'm probably going to go back and forth now.
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/09/10 | Reply
She was okay in the first anime, I guess... But she is just a little too.... I don't know. I guess it's her personality. BUT Brotherhood made me want her to perish in a very slow and painful way. v_v
Last edited by iOtaku62 at 7:48:42 PM CDT on September 9, 2010.
Otakuite | Posted 09/07/10 | Reply
Aww poor Winry! ... >_> She was really annoying in the first anime, as truthfully it would have mostly survived without her, but I liked her in Brotherhood. I forgot about Mustang killing her parents... [ohhyeeaahhh]
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/06/10 | Reply
XD Thank you very much!!!
I'm going to take that in a good way, at least... ^_^;;
Last edited by iOtaku62 at 5:11:48 PM CDT on September 6, 2010.