Keep Going

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Lone Wolf Running Wild

Hello everyone,

I was sitting here watching some anime and i got some ideas and took some pics, so i thought i'd post up the pics and i also thought id let you all know what ive been up to this past week/weekend.

This past week has been pretty crazy and hectic for me, I wont go into detail about all the personal stuff that's been goin on, because im the type of person that keeps stuff like that really personal, so i hope no one is offended or anything like that.

Because of the personal stuff, Ive been a bit out of sorts for the past week. This weekend i spent 90% of my time watching movies, watching anime, playing videogames and sleeping. When i got home from work saturday morning, i pulled the blankets off of my bed and laid them out on the floor in my room in front of my TV and watched my dvd of the movie Blade Runner:The Final Cut. When i finished that movie, i watched my other dvd of Blade Runner: The Directors Cut. The Final cut has been totally remastered visually and the sound is awesome too. It also is slightly different than the Directors cut, and has added parts, and some parts taken out. There is like 5 different versions of Blade Runner, and i hope to eventually find the versions i dont have lol.

After i watched Blade Runner, i ended up falling asleep and i woke up sometime Saturday night around 11pm. At that time i beat Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 again, and unlocked some more characters, and i also played Halo for an extended amount of time. After i got tired of playing Halo, I watched my dvd of the anime called DevilMan, and i must say that i really enjoyed it this time around. it's pretty violent and has alot of language, but it was just fun to watch because it pulled no punches at all lol. After i finished watching DevilMan, i re-watched the last dvd of Gatekeepers 21, because i had fallen asleep during the last 3 episodes, and i wanted to get a better understanding of it. To be honest, the last 3 episodes really made the show for me, and i really enjoyed it. Watching Gatekeepers 21, urged me to re-watch my dvd of the original Gatekeepers, which i enjoyed even more because it wasnt as dreary and dark as Gatekeepers 21. Just for the record, Gatekeepers is a prequel to Gatekeepers 21, just in case anyone is wondering lol.

By then it was around 7:30am Sunday morning and i decided to lay back down and watch the Mobile Fighter G-Gundam dvds i own. Here is a pic of the G-Gundam dvds i own, along with the 2 tapes of recorded episodes i have :)

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My Mobile Fighter G-Gundam video Collection.

The 2 VHS cases contain the 2 tapes worth of episodes from G-Gundam that were recorded from Cartoon Network. The G-Gundam logos on the VHS cases were made by me using the backs of the cardboard cases from som action figures i had bought years ago :)

I blame Shinmaru for getting me back into G-Gundam because i heard him chatting about it in Theotaku Chats a few days ago lol. To be honest, ive had these dvds for years and ive never watched them. I have all of the G-Gundam episodes recorded from Cartoon Network and that is how i had watched them, but that was quite a few years ago lol. Watching them on dvd lately has given the series new life to me and i have really been enjoying it, especially the opening and ending themes, as well as the music from the series in general.

Im actually watching volume 7 of G-Gundam right now lol, just 5 more dvds to go.

Around 7:50am Sunday morning the power went out for some strange reason, so i just went to sleep for a couple of hours lol. When i woke up, i played Halo for a while longer and then proceeded to watch the movie HardBoiled, which is one of the greatest action movies ever. It's a pretty long movie too lol. Once i finished the movie, i pulled out all of my fighting games and played them so i could get a good feel of how i would write my article for

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Final Round of Arcade Mode on Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO (Im Ken lol)

I had a fun time with it and i certainly hope to put up another article on the site sometime soon :)

When i finished posting, i pretty much laid down and started watching more episodes of G-Gundam until i fell asleep. Today ive mostly just been watching G-Gundam as well, and doing laundry and stuff for work tonight, and ill probably just watch G-Gundam until i go to sleep later today lol.

Well that pretty much covers my weekend, i covered alot of dvds thats for sure lol. I'm just trying to stay busy with anime and stuff so my mind doesnt think too much about stuff, stress can be a pain thats for sure.

Well i hope you guys enjoy the post and i sure hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,

