Ever wondered where our dreams come from? Ever wondered just how myths and ledgends such as vampiers, dragons, werewolves, elves, and the things that go bump in the night came to be? Look no further, friend. You've found them.

Caution: read at your own risk

There are things that go on in this world that cannot be explained by scientific reasoning, that cannot be fit into a neat little box of understanding. To humans, it is the unknown. It haunts us, it calls out our names. To humans, the unknown is a dangerous, uncharted land. Humans fear what they can't understand.
Strange occurences have happened in and through out history. Humans think of them as ledgend, myths made up to frighten little kids. However, there are those who are wise enough to know the truth when they see it. That somethings are not what they seem. They know that creatus exist that drink the blood of humans and animals. That there are people tormented by curses day in and day out. That there is a whole other world that exists beyond the scope of human lives and thoughts. Some creatures mean us no harm. Others call for our destrution out of amusement, spite, or hatred.
These humans, teamed with creatures who wish for peace and order among both worlds, fight to protect us from the dangers of such creatures. They keep the nightmares at bay, and keep us safe. What is contained in this book is the occurences that many face. It detailes a war that has been rageing for half a milenium. But be warned; what follows is not for the heart of nonbelievers. Do not read futher if you value your sanity, or your life. What comes with knowledge such as this is a responsibility to your race. If you choose to read further, you will become involved with this war, fighting to protect your life and the lives of those around you.

Be warned. There is a battle going on. If you don't know, you've already been captured. Choose wisely.
