Ooooh this is right up my alley. Is this about local sustainability, or environmental sustainability? I suppose it is just sustainability in general...
Perhaps you could write your paper in the form of an arguement as to whether sustainability is actually achievable? Like the example you mentioned, locally grown stuff still has a big carbon footprint etc. Then there is cotton vs polyester/synthetic fabric. Cotton takes a LOT of water to grow, whereas plastic based fabric doesn't. Although on teh plus side, cotton is a renewable resource... Oh, but there is the argument that cotton will potentially be grown with the aid of pesticides and fertiliser, again using fuel to create them, and side affects of harm to wildlife...
Erm, PM me if you want to chat about things, and i'll see what I can think up ^^ if I remember any useful resources i'll send them your way ^^
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/13/11 | Reply
Ooooh this is right up my alley. Is this about local sustainability, or environmental sustainability? I suppose it is just sustainability in general...
Perhaps you could write your paper in the form of an arguement as to whether sustainability is actually achievable? Like the example you mentioned, locally grown stuff still has a big carbon footprint etc. Then there is cotton vs polyester/synthetic fabric. Cotton takes a LOT of water to grow, whereas plastic based fabric doesn't. Although on teh plus side, cotton is a renewable resource... Oh, but there is the argument that cotton will potentially be grown with the aid of pesticides and fertiliser, again using fuel to create them, and side affects of harm to wildlife...
Erm, PM me if you want to chat about things, and i'll see what I can think up ^^ if I remember any useful resources i'll send them your way ^^
sorry for the epic babble XD