Did your mom say that directly to you or did you're sister tell you about it? Sorry if you're mom said it, but if you're sister did it maybe she's just being the spiteful, pain that so many siblings can and made it all up. Or at least, made it sound more serious than it was. Not that that's a good thing, but you know...
Also, I know what you mean about getting a job being hard. One of my friends that worked at the same company for 8 years got fired about two weeks ago and can't find a job for anything.
Oh, and if you're mom did say that, try to remember that everyone is really stressed out. Maybe she's having financial issues like everybody else. Stress and fear can frequently make people say things that they don't want to or don't genuinely mean. Of course, that doesn't make it OK to say those things, but hey. Everyone makes mistakes.
Well, I hope all goes well for you with the printing company. Get a job and be happy! I know it's hard, but I think you can do it :3
Well ok ..i know some time my family dont give me back but then ..... i ve someone else in net friends,who encourage me...
u dont know u r lucky u have friends in real .....u have Fai even ...
i dont have in real ....i really dont have .......
And u dont know how much God will Bless u of wt u r suffering now,i only can tell u that bcoz i pass through this situation still im not settle but ......im gonna do it ..... for my self....
Well i'll always pray for u yosei and i think some times my prayers really work out ...:P
Well u too mean so much to me bcoz in hard time u give me ur time and encourage me and i still appreciate it....i really do ..
Thank u for commenting back ...i was not expecting that .......
Thank u Yosei...
When ever u need any shoulder im gonna be here for u ok .....and im not good at words,i just said wt i feel ...ok ...
Thanks, I can tell your words are coming from your heart, Sumera. They really do mean a lot to me. I had no idea your family went through such hardships. But, at least you had your family with you, right? I don't have that... at least not as much as I need them. We used to be really tight knit as a family, but now... they're not supportive like they used to be and they don't know what I'm going through. But, I'll be alright. I am not gonna give up, that's the chicken's way out. I'm no chicken.
oooooooooooooooz....that sux big time(not lik u didnt no zat)...i guess im not helping much but....if u move to PA i saw online that sesame place is hiring good luck yosei
Yosei i just read ur world today ...
Well im saying it not in a really sad mood bcoz i ve to courage u ...you know im in same situation ....kinda....but we are from east so its not big problem if u cant give money to ur family....
hmm .let tell u a lil clear....
Well im doing tutions and teach children at home ...i got really less money ....but my bro and father do jobs .... and now their pays are ok .......once we also starve.....and we all (family) starve ...and we had to lend money .....and then i start tutions in lil age .....even i do my education ......but the time was hard ...
And u know now we all pay back all of our lending money ...so now we are free from lending money ...
We even sell everything when we migrate to this new place....
Well just wanna make u think that ...u r not the only one who's facing this ....i personally too experience it....i have wishes ...to buy new things for me but i dont have much money...
I want to be a graphic designer too and im waiting if i have some opportunity to go out to abroad.....but nah i dont have....
This is life ...and im really really sure ....u'll find a great job...
u know yosei why ppl suffer.....(included everything)
Bcoz God want to give them some precious thing and want to bless them .....with all HIS Wonderful gifts...So dont give up and dont cry ...and if i were there with u ..i'll surely give u a hug...
Well truly speaking i want too hugs from my friends but i cant they are too much far from me....even i cant hug my sis.....
So ...many thing inside are there ...but u have to faith in GOD ....ok
I m too not really faithful to it.....but one thing i now that if now u r suffering with pains and things and ppl make u suffer so it all means that ........u r been Blessed with ALLAH Almighty...
THats all i know and im here always ...u can always contact me ok ...when ever u need me ok...
here's a say:
"Yesterday is a history,Tomorrow is a Mystery...But today is a gift..
Thats why it calls present"
U r not alone ok ....dont worry .....everything will be alright inshallah .....im gonna pray for u now......
u cant fight with the waves of Life, u just have to let yourself free from fight with wave and u'll see where it goes....and im sure it will be great for u in future ....
My prayers are with u ~Yosei~ ..plz dont give up ......
Once i give up too but now i dont have too .....my God will never forgive me if i give up......and my friends too....whom i really love and care.....
And i can feel how u feel ....i have these feelings too ..... but see im living my life and waiting for God's Will.....
~Sorry too long comment.....:( and yeah boring too,and sorry if u mind any word of mine,i just say wt in my heart and mind~
The Gluttony Fang (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/09 | Reply
Things should work out as long as you don't give up. You know what they say about the two Ds, determination and drive will take you almost anywhere.
Good luck hunting.
Dude... I'm sorry you are going through this tough stuff right now. It isn't your fault the economy is suffering. Is there no way you can reason with your parents? They must know you are putting the effort in and trying, it seems really unfair of them to do what they have threatened.
I wish I could help. I hope and pray that things work out for you *gives you a hug*
*hugs* Yosei!!! Life is not good right now....but we all have rough patches and I'm sure you'll make it out of this one!!!! I know that you'll get a job, who wouldn't want to hire Yosei-chan! And once you get your job I'm sure your mom will let you stay! You will do it Yosei-chan! I know you will But one last hug to make you feel a little better *hugs*
awww Yosei I feel your pain but I'm sure you'll find a job I know I'll be praying for ya to get one!I hope you do so you don't lose your car and home that'd be really bad.I'd rather starve on the street too and not burden my dear friends with my butt XD.I'm sure someone will hire you!someones gotta right?Just it might take a while but you'll find A Job I'm sure!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/15/09 | Reply
Did your mom say that directly to you or did you're sister tell you about it? Sorry if you're mom said it, but if you're sister did it maybe she's just being the spiteful, pain that so many siblings can and made it all up. Or at least, made it sound more serious than it was. Not that that's a good thing, but you know...
Also, I know what you mean about getting a job being hard. One of my friends that worked at the same company for 8 years got fired about two weeks ago and can't find a job for anything.
Oh, and if you're mom did say that, try to remember that everyone is really stressed out. Maybe she's having financial issues like everybody else. Stress and fear can frequently make people say things that they don't want to or don't genuinely mean. Of course, that doesn't make it OK to say those things, but hey. Everyone makes mistakes.
Well, I hope all goes well for you with the printing company. Get a job and be happy! I know it's hard, but I think you can do it :3
Pathetic Diabetic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/13/09 | Reply
Aw, thanks... it's true, I do have my friends to help me. I guess I'm not completely alone, huh? ^_^ Thanks for that.
And, thank you for your prayers! I'm so glad!! TTwTT
Well, I'd better go now. My ride for job-hunting is here. Have a great weekend, Sumera! Stay smiling and kind!
And, then... I met you.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/13/09 | Reply
Well ok ..i know some time my family dont give me back but then ..... i ve someone else in net friends,who encourage me...
u dont know u r lucky u have friends in real .....u have Fai even ...
i dont have in real ....i really dont have .......
And u dont know how much God will Bless u of wt u r suffering now,i only can tell u that bcoz i pass through this situation still im not settle but ......im gonna do it ..... for my self....
Well i'll always pray for u yosei and i think some times my prayers really work out ...:P
Well u too mean so much to me bcoz in hard time u give me ur time and encourage me and i still appreciate it....i really do ..
Thank u for commenting back ...i was not expecting that .......
Thank u Yosei...
When ever u need any shoulder im gonna be here for u ok .....and im not good at words,i just said wt i feel ...ok ...
Sorry .....for every word u mind....
~Urs friend Always Sumera~
Pathetic Diabetic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/13/09 | Reply
Thanks, I can tell your words are coming from your heart, Sumera. They really do mean a lot to me. I had no idea your family went through such hardships. But, at least you had your family with you, right? I don't have that... at least not as much as I need them. We used to be really tight knit as a family, but now... they're not supportive like they used to be and they don't know what I'm going through. But, I'll be alright. I am not gonna give up, that's the chicken's way out. I'm no chicken.
And, then... I met you.
Himbo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/13/09 | Reply
oooooooooooooooz....that sux big time(not lik u didnt no zat)...i guess im not helping much but....if u move to PA i saw online that sesame place is hiring
good luck yosei
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/13/09 | Reply
Yosei i just read ur world today ...
Well im saying it not in a really sad mood bcoz i ve to courage u ...you know im in same situation ....kinda....but we are from east so its not big problem if u cant give money to ur family....
hmm .let tell u a lil clear....
Well im doing tutions and teach children at home ...i got really less money ....but my bro and father do jobs .... and now their pays are ok .......once we also starve.....and we all (family) starve ...and we had to lend money .....and then i start tutions in lil age .....even i do my education ......but the time was hard ...
And u know now we all pay back all of our lending money ...so now we are free from lending money ...
We even sell everything when we migrate to this new place....
Well just wanna make u think that ...u r not the only one who's facing this ....i personally too experience it....i have wishes ...to buy new things for me but i dont have much money...
I want to be a graphic designer too and im waiting if i have some opportunity to go out to abroad.....but nah i dont have....
This is life ...and im really really sure ....u'll find a great job...
u know yosei why ppl suffer.....(included everything)
Bcoz God want to give them some precious thing and want to bless them .....with all HIS Wonderful gifts...So dont give up and dont cry ...and if i were there with u ..i'll surely give u a hug...
Well truly speaking i want too hugs from my friends but i cant they are too much far from me....even i cant hug my sis.....
So ...many thing inside are there ...but u have to faith in GOD ....ok
I m too not really faithful to it.....but one thing i now that if now u r suffering with pains and things and ppl make u suffer so it all means that ........u r been Blessed with ALLAH Almighty...
THats all i know and im here always ...u can always contact me ok ...when ever u need me ok...
here's a say:
"Yesterday is a history,Tomorrow is a Mystery...But today is a gift..
Thats why it calls present"
U r not alone ok ....dont worry .....everything will be alright inshallah .....im gonna pray for u now......
u cant fight with the waves of Life, u just have to let yourself free from fight with wave and u'll see where it goes....and im sure it will be great for u in future ....
My prayers are with u ~Yosei~ ..plz dont give up ......
Once i give up too but now i dont have too .....my God will never forgive me if i give up......and my friends too....whom i really love and care.....
And i can feel how u feel ....i have these feelings too ..... but see im living my life and waiting for God's Will.....
~Sorry too long comment.....:( and yeah boring too,and sorry if u mind any word of mine,i just say wt in my heart and mind~
~Hope that we will talk soon~
~Urs friend Sumera~
Mr Sword
The Gluttony Fang (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/09 | Reply
Things should work out as long as you don't give up. You know what they say about the two Ds, determination and drive will take you almost anywhere.
Good luck hunting.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/09 | Reply
Dude... I'm sorry you are going through this tough stuff right now. It isn't your fault the economy is suffering. Is there no way you can reason with your parents? They must know you are putting the effort in and trying, it seems really unfair of them to do what they have threatened.
I wish I could help. I hope and pray that things work out for you *gives you a hug*
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/12/09 | Reply
*hugs* Yosei!!! Life is not good right now....but we all have rough patches and I'm sure you'll make it out of this one!!!! I know that you'll get a job, who wouldn't want to hire Yosei-chan! And once you get your job I'm sure your mom will let you stay! You will do it Yosei-chan! I know you will
But one last hug to make you feel a little better *hugs*
The ever optimist Keome
My thoughts create my world
Blood Moon Wolf
Bloody (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/09 | Reply
awww Yosei I feel your pain but I'm sure you'll find a job I know I'll be praying for ya to get one!I hope you do so you don't lose your car and home that'd be really bad.I'd rather starve on the street too and not burden my dear friends with my butt XD.I'm sure someone will hire you!someones gotta right?Just it might take a while but you'll find A Job I'm sure!!!