drew's amazing.

what kind of girl would be so obsessed with you me at six and all time low?

that'd be me. i'm that girl. jessica's the name, and lying is the game. but lying's not always the game, i didn't lie about my obsession right there. i am obsessed with atl and youmeatsix. i can name all of all time low's song just by hearing it, and i know most of the songs from you me at six.

oh my. here i am trying to "wow" you with some decent first impression and already you think of me as some lying band obsessed teenager. well, you must know there is more to me then that.

like my swagger. and my legit-ness. it's pretty ghetto crazy.

if you're anybody who knows anything, then you'll know i have a mild case of heffaphobia? halfaphobia? i don't know. but i do know i have an irrational fear of being touched. well, i wouldn't say it's irrational. i'd like to think it's rational. as rational as can be. either way, do not, under any circumstances enter my little bubble. i freak the fuck out. ask anybody who's anybody.

that's not always the case. if i'm comfortable enough with you or i'm just comfortable that day, i won't mind. with some i'm comfortable around them all the time, with others it's an on and off thing.

another thing about me; i'm always smiling. well, at least eighty percent of the time. if i smiled one hundred percent of the time, my jaw would need some serious work.

now, i'm not saying that i'm a saint or anything, because i can assure you i am most definitely not even remotely close to being a saint. i've been called a bitch far too many times, i've already lost track. i've lied so many times in my life, i couldn't tell you what was the truth if it was standing right in front of me. i've been grounded because of my anger issues and my attitude. i swear far too much for a girl my age, and sometimes my parents are ashamed of me.

but i'm alright with that.

now if you really know me, you'd know i'm also kind of philophobic. i don't know how this has happened, i think it's because of the whole touching thing, i'm so afraid of people getting close to me physically, that my mind has convinced my body that i'm afraid of people getting close emotionally.

that's pretty logical, right?

of course it is. at least, that's what i tell myself.

sure i've had infatuations, but never have i been infatuated enough for a relationship. besides, i'm stressed out enough. i don't need a boyfriend stressing me out too. plus there's the fact that i haven't found the right guy.

no, not "mr. right" because i'm well aware that he won't be coming around like, ever. i'm talking a guy who could handle me and my moodiness. or the fact that i might put myself before anybody else sometimes. that i might be a demanding, nagging, bitch, but he'll stay long enough to see through that and actually like me because he knows my perks.

yeah. that's gonna happen.

oh, yeah. i'm currently in middle school, and basking in my free health care. which is highly appreciated with all the sprains i've gotten. which leads me to the subject of basketball.

basketball is the whole reason why i have this darn sprained ankle. the same ankle i sprained two times before. once in february again, from basketball, and another time about maybe three years ago from soccer. but basketball is def my favourite sport there is. but that doesn't mean i dislike all the other sports, i'm up for something different.

i like sports. don't hate.

my mind's always in the gutter. and i am not just saying that, because it is exactly as it is. the truth. not it's not exactly eighty year old pedophile dirty, just the whole, oh, yeah, i'm gonna laugh because i can take that sexually. which is pretty much most of the time.

i'm conceited, but i don't consider myself pretty. i haven't met one girl yet who is so self-centered they go around telling people how beautiful they are. i've only ever heard all of my girl friends saying they're 'hideous'. which is far from the truth. so, i'm gonna be one of those annoying girls and tell you i am full on hideous. even if you may think it's a lie, i refuse to depart from denial.

i like denial. it's like a secure, little blanket. you know, one that's so soft and warm you can't help but wrap yourself up with it. and it's pure ecstasy because it's yours and no one else's. and with that blanket you don't have to face the truth. you can convince yourself of anything and everything. it's tainted bliss. your tainted bliss.

but in this case, it's mine.

i'm opinionated and almost always brutally honest, if you ask for my opinion i won't hesitate telling you the truth. if i don't like something, i'll straight up tell you i don't like something. but twenty-five percent of the time i hold it in. not for my sake, of course. i just don't wanna be a bitch all the time. it's a life choice.

i may not say what i really think of you, but i will think it. oh, i will. if you're reading this now, thinking what a terrible human being i must be, think about this. even if you haven't exactly told people off or bitched and moaned about someone behind their back, you're judging me right now. and you hardly even know me.

everybody judges on first impressions. sometimes even appearance alone. i do it, i'm not gonna lie about that. so you can't sit there thinking i'm a complete liar, also everybody's lied. even if it's a small, white lie. a lie is a lie, no matter how much you like to think that it's not.

me. i happen to be a compulsive liar. and i've been one for years, it wasn't until this year that i've admit it.

you've heard about my many flaws. and just like my flaws i have many perks. maybe you'll get to see them one day, maybe you won't. only time will tell.

now continue wondering how i sleep at night.

Sincerely, the most legit bitch there is :]

Boom Swagga Boom Like You Gots a Peg Leg

I love Rock 'N Roll,

So put another dime in the jukebox baby!

I love Rock 'N Roll,

Put another dime and dance with me!

Time: 1:32PM

Mood: Bored

Music: Dance With Me - 3OH!3

I'm really bored.

I have 2 hours and 5 minutes until I have to get Jay. She still has school. Lmfao, sucks for her.

On Monday we have to hang out because it's her very last day of school, and I need my brother's hat. But he's too attached to it.

I cannot wait for lazer tag. It's gonna be fun! My brother said he'd invite some friends and join our party, I told him I would claim I've never met him in my entire life.


I'm making fish sticks!

I have to wait another ten minutes.

So yup.
I'm off.
Type Writers &&Pudding
Jess <3<3

Shake It, Shake It Like You Bouts to Get Paid

A rusted chain with a cross that once was gold,

And I look from a distance as the coffin closes,

And disappears below the roses.

Time: 10:58PM

Mood: Better

Music: Don't Dance - 3OH!3

I ate for the first time today.

It was like an orgasm in my mouth, no I am not exaggerating. It was that good.


I honestly feel like shit and I don't wanna talk to anybody. Me and Becca are sorta in a comfortable silence.


Swagga Like Us

I'm really bored.

Wow. I am pissed off.

He's such a dick.

I just gave A,by a pep talk!

And it worked!

I'm off.
T.N.T &&Dance Teams
Jess <3<3

Break it Down to a Fraction

She's as dark as the blood pulsing under her skin,

Still afraid of the Boogey Man under her bed,

And we know that the ashes in the urn was a person,

And we never should have burned him.

Time: 8:28PM

Mood: Pissed &&Disgusted

Music: Don't Dance - 30H!3

Yelling is really starting to make my ears bleed.

My family's falling apart.

My father's an ass who doesn't give a shit.

My mother's on the verge of divorce.

My brother's so mad and messed up.

And I'm the girl who won't speak up.

It's fucking scary.

My father doesn't get anything!

He has to learn to shut up sometimes. Arguing doesn't help anybody.

I'm afraid my parents are going to get rid of my brother. It disgusts me the way they say it.

He's only fucking 14, he's hardly even a teenager, and they're threatening to call the police to take him away.

And I'm afraid what'll happen after that.

God, I don't know what to do. I don't want a fucking therapist, they won't do shit for me.

My parents are arguing right outside my door.

That doesn't help.

You don't have to bother commenting, I just needed to rant. You know, get things off my chest.

Suddenly, I just lost my appetite.

I need to call Becky.
Heartaches &&Heartbreaks
Jess <3<3

Well it's Midnight, Damn Right, We're Wound Up Too Tight

Were screamin’ like demons

Swingin’ from the ceiling

Time: 2:20PM

Mood: HaPPy &&HyPEd Up! Not to mention HYpeR

Music: Burn It To The Ground - Nickelback

My brother spit in my hair, so I spit in his and threw a shoe at him. Then while watching the MMVAs he said he'd love to see the Jonas$ Brothers in FIRE!

So would I.

I just read this thing and I thought it said 'I'm humpin' you, baby.' LMFAO, that'd be funny!

Wanna know why I'm so fuckin' hyped?!



Well, I have to pick up my report card on the 29th, so that's technically the official last day of school, but you know what?

Screw that, I am not letting that rain on my parade.

My cousin has a boyfriend! I got to interrogate him to make sure he was good enough for her.

ROFLMFAO, he was so nervous!

Fact is, she's turning 21.

What an oldie.

But I love her.

If today was your last day!

I'd shoot you first.

JAYKAY! I'm a happy person! Unless you piss me off, or mess up my hair.

Georgia and Nakiah called me, LMAO they're funny people, especially Georgia.

My mom hasn't called the school to tell them I'm not going today, and we couldn't call yesterday either. We're so badass.

Next call; my ass

I'm a goofie goober, yea, you're a goofie goober, yea!

Actually, I hate to break it to 'ya, but you're not, there can only be one goofie goober, and that's yours truly.

Do not attempt to put keyboard in mouth.

Well, no shit.

I'm flying on a plane all by myself to o to Calgary.

Let's not hope I'm sitting beside a creeper.

And there are no terrorists.

I'm related to one!

But he's dead.

And his name is hidden for safety.

Here's to hoping I'm sitting beside a hottie! Then we can have sex in the bathroom!

I'm jaykaying.

I wouldn't go that far.

Besides, I'm not about to lose it on an airplane, I would be too afraid a snake would poke out through the fire detector on the roof and attach itself to-- Nevermind.

Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?
Of course not!
I'd rather push them off the face of the Earth.
There's a difference.

How do you flush the toilet in public?
I use the flush thing?
Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
Ever since that car accident, I always have.

Do you have a crush on someone?
Do famous people count?

Name one thing you worry about running out of.
There's a lot.
So I'll go with friends &&family.

What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?
I dunno.

What is your favorite pizza topping?
You know with all the peppers (almost put people)
and veggies.

Do you crack your knuckles?

What song do you hate the most?
Any Hannah Montana song, or Jonas$ Brothers songs.

Did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head?
Oh, fuck.

What are your super powers?
I'm invisible!

Peppermint or spearmint?

Where are your car keys?
I don't own a car.

Whose answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear?
Um, I guess yours.

What's your most annoying habit?
I bite my tongue too hard when I'm angry.
Or I play with my feet.
It's a weird habit.

Where did you last go on vacation?

What is your best physical feature?
Hair, bitches.
It's sexy.

What CD is closest to you right now?
Limewire and iTunes is where it's at.

What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator?
Leftovers, sometimes my house phone, and juice.

What superstition do you believe/practice?
A lot.

What color are your bed sheets?
Really light blue and purple with a dash of pink.

Would you rather be a fish or a bird?

Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive?
I don't drive.

What are your favorite sayings?
Phhhhht, oh em gee rofl cheese sticks, no I will not take off my pants, take off your pants, FUCK, etc.

What song(s) do you sing most often in the shower?
I dunno, whatever I listen to before my shower. Today it was Billy Talent, and yesterday it was Leona Lewis, before that it was 30H!3, etc, etc.

If you could go back or forward in time,where would you go?
The first time I tasted ice cream.
Orgasm in my mouth.
That was amazing.

What is your favorite Harrison Ford movie?
Never heard of those movies.

What CD is in your stereo?

What CD will be in your stereo in a few minutes?

How many kids do you plan on having?

If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
Hm, I'll try to narrow it down.
Hopefully Alex Evans is an amazing kisser. ;)

What do you do when no one is watching?
Make faces.

If they made a movie about your life, what actor/actress would be you?
Nobody else could pull this off.

Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or peacefully in your sleep?
I'm not sure.

Coffee or Tea?
Coffee with cream, if not, then neither.

Favorite musician(s)/bands you've seen in concert?
I haven't seen one.

Have you ever been in love?

Do you talk to yourself?
Only if third person counts. Or when I'm trying to think like someone else.

Brady is the SEX.

I promised him I'd say that publicly.
Wantons &&Pom Poms
Jess <3<3

I'm 114% Obssessed With Music

[x] Breaking Benjamin
[x] Paramore
[x] Panic! At The Disco
[x] Linkin Park
[x] The Academy Is...
[ ] Coldplay
[x] Three Days Grace
[ ] Yellowcard
[x] 30 Seconds to Mars
[ ] Chevelle

T O T A L S O F A R = 7

[ ] Rascal Flatts
[x] Carrie Underwood
[ ] Leanne Rhymes
[ ] Garth Brooks
[ ] Dixie Chicks
[ ] Kenny Chesney
[ ] Tim McGraw
[ ] Faith Hill
[ ] Shania Twain
[x] Johnny Cash

T O T A L S O F A R = 9

[x] Hawthorne Heights
[ ] Chiodos
[ ] Forgive Durden
[ ] Amber Pacific
[x] The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
[ ] From First to Last
[ ] Senses Fail
[ ] Underoath
[ ] Something Corporate
[ ] Hit The Lights
[ ] Dear Whoever
[x] Remorse Is For The Dead

T O T A L S O F A R = 12

[ ] The Hush Sound
[ ] Eisley
[x] Death Cab for Cutie
[ ] Dashboard Confessional
[x] The Killers
[x] Yeah Yeah Yeahs
[ ] Hot Hot Heat
[ ] Gym Class Heroes
[ ] Franz Ferdinand
[ ] Modest Mouse

T O T A L S O F A R = 15

[x] Slipknot
[x] System of a Down
[x] Disturbed
[x] Metallica
[x] Guns n' Roses
[ ] Lamb of God
[ ] Slayer
[ ] Hatebreed
[ ] Killswitch Engage

T O T A L S O F A R = 20

[ ] Teddy Geiger
[x] Ashlee Simpson
[x] Kelly Clarkson
[x] Jesse McCartney
[x] Avril Lavigne
[x] P!NK
[x] The Veronicas
[ ] Daniel Powter
[ ] James Blunt
[x] Natasha Bedingfield
[ ] Ryan Cabrara

T O T A L S O F A R = 27

[x] Hellogoodbye
[x] Cute is What We Aim for
[ ] Cartel
[ ] The Click Five
[x] Fall Out Boy
[x] Rise Against
[x] Good Charlotte
[ ] Bowling for Soup
[x] Relient K
[ ] Anti - Flag
[x] Simple Plan

T O T A L S O F A R= 34

[ ] Ying Yang Twins
[x] T.I.
[ ] Paul Wall
[x] TuPac
[x] Jamie Foxx
[x] Ludacris
[x] Lil' Jon
[ ] Outkast
[x] 50 Cent
[x] Kanye West
[ ] Notorious B.I.G
[x] Young Jeezy

T O T A L S O F A R= 42

[ ] Reel Big Fish
[ ] The Specials
[ ] Caddies
[ ] Rancid
[ ] The Aquabats
[ ] Sublime
[x] No Doubt
[ ] Madness
[ ] Operation Ivy
[ ] Bob Marley

T O T A L S O F A R = 43

[x] Taking Back Sunday
[x] All-American Rejects
[ ] Motion City Soundtrack
[x] Avenged Sevenfold
[ ] Angels and Airwaves
[x] Evanescence
[x] My Chemical Romance
[ ] Drowning Pool
[x] Green Day
[x] Blink-182
[ ] Madina Lake

T O T A L S O F A R = 50

[ ] The Beatles
[ ] Led Zeppelin
[x] The Rolling Stones
[ ] The Cure
[ ] The Who
[x] Pink Floyd
[ ] Jimi Hendrix
[x] Queen
[ ] Poison
[x] AC/DC

T O T A L S O F A R = 55

[ ] Justice
[ ] The Bloody Beetroots
[x] Daft Punk
[ ] The Carps
[ ] Deadmau5
[ ] Crystal Castles
[ ] Crookers
[ ] DJ Tiesto

T O T A L S O F A R = 57

Then times your final score by 2 and repost it as:

57 x 2 = 114

"I am ...% Obsessed with music"