"A warm smile is the universal language of kindness."

hi there! you've come upon a world that was created to make you smile! this world is for all the people who are having a bad day. life pushing you down? well, get back up! i'm here to encourage you, to show you that you're not alone. oh, and to also tell you that your smile is beautiful.

freerice | ways to be happy |

youareB E A U T I F U L.

you have acne.

you have big glasses.
you're too skinny.
you're too tall.
too short.
your fat.
too many scars.
your nose is too big.

you don't have a thigh gap.

your thighs are too big.

you don't have big enough breasts or a big butt.

○○ but listen ○○

you don't need any of those things to know that you're beautiful, because you are beautiful just the way you are. Who cares if you have too much acne? Are you really gonna beat yourself up for the way you look? Because the girls make fun of you? Because you know you don't stand a chance compared to that other girl. He won't ever look at you? You're just making excuses. Stop cringing everytime you look in a mirror, and for once, smile. Smile for that beautiul person in the mirror. Did it break? I didn't think so. Why? Because God made you in His image, and in my eyes, you are perfect, flawless, and beautiful, just the way you are love.
