Pacific Rimjob

So I searched both the Google Play store and the Apple App store....No theOtaku app. >.> Why are we not funding this? Seriously, this place seems more than big and prominent enough to merit it's own app. Heck, do a fund-raiser for one sometime. I'd fund it, once I get more money. XD BTW, can anyone tell me how to get the trophies and other little icons and junk on my portfolio? Lol I'm not very vain, but it'd be nice to have a few. ^__^ Okay, that was a lie. I'm a bit of a whore for decorative things. XD Not that anyone like me has the right to be like that, but I am nonetheless. Lol Oh! A new friend of mine on here reminded me of something! If anyone plays Pokemon X or Y and needs a Pokemon or two, PM me or comment somewhere, and I'll give you my friend code. ^__^ I don't play much now and days, but I'll definitely get on to trade you whatever you need, provided of course that I have said Pokemon. Lol I also recently discovered that people on Ebay are selling their Pokemon from X and Y. XD It's quite convenient, but I'm wondering how in God's name they managed to get some of them on there. Especially considering the Pokemon Bank doesn't allow most cheated Pokemon to pass through. Well, I did discover a loophole for that system. If it's a Pokemon that you obtained via Gameshark or Action Replay during the GBA games, then transferred them throughout the various DS games up to Gen 5, they'll pass. Them, and certain ones that were gotten via Action Replay on the DS. Like, modifier codes and whatnot. But if you tampered with the Poke's moveset or maybe something else, (I don't know of any other limits in that regard) it won't pass either. The last one I figured out the hard way is that Pokemon that were created using the Pokebuilder app on the iPod Touch/iPhone, they won't transfer. I can understand that one, though. Still makes me mad, because I couldn't bring my shiny Meloetta into Y with me. ;__; Anyway, there's that semi-useless piece of information for you. XD Oh, I watched Pacific Rim for the first time today. :3 Erm, yesterday. Lol I actually really enjoyed it! I found myself comparing the Kaiju to the Colossi from Shadow of the Colossus. XD Sadly, I don't think even Malus could stand up to those things. I was also pleased that Ellen Mcclain offered her voice as the computer voice in the movie as well. For those of you who don't know who she is, she's the voice of GLaDOS from the Portal series. :3 Same exact voice in the movie. XD I half expected a cake pun or something like that at some point. Lol I could go on for a while, so I think I'll shut up now. Lol Goodnight. ^__^
Yes. XD
