Add me 0w0

So since I have no actual topic of discussion today, I'll just bring up different things I find interesting or otherwise necessary to talk about. First off, if anyone has a 360, add me: Genecron. My Gamerpicture is Caius from Final Fantasy XIII-2. Well, for now anyway. XD I'm sure I'll change it soon enough. I play Minecraft quite a bit on XBL, so if anyone has a Gold Membership, invite me to play sometime. ^__^ So yeah, I've been playing the crap out of XIII-2 as of late. Despite my hesitation with almost every RPG I've ever played, this one is going along almost flawlessly. The only problem is that the game likes to humble me with the occasional gauntlet of super powerful versions of basic enemies for their respective areas. Then there was the incident with the Cie'th that utterly destroyed me 4 times in a row. >.> Thank God it's a side quest boss, though. I'll just come back when I'm 10-20 levels higher, then see who wins. Lol I'm looking at my shelf of games and realize I have a slight problem with collecting games and not playing them. Lol I have 7 games I still need to beat before June 30th, when Elder Scrolls Online comes out. Because at that point, all else will come second to ESO. XD That's not even including the digital games I have on my 360 alone. Then there's my latest obsession with getting ahold of a PSP and playing the Final Fantasy main series, since all of them up to IX are on the PSN now. Lol Needless to say, I finally have my muse to play games and watch anime back. Granted, I'm watching SAO for the second time in a row this month, but I'm still progressing. XD Hmm, what to talk about.....Oh! Dark Souls II comes out next Tuesday, and I preordered the Collector's Edition. ^__^ I'm also hoping to get an Xbox One before the end of June. I'll probably bore the heck out of my readers with these, if I do these often. Lol So I have a solution. In the comments, give me a topic that I'm actually familiar with, and I'll try to talk about it in my next post. If you're unsure if I'm familiar with your topic or not, list more than one thing, in case I don't know one or two of them. Anyway, have a good night everyone! ^w^
For all you Attack on Titan fans. :3

Intro / Basic Information

Okay, so I'm new to forums, but not to people. Lol First things first. Yes I'm a guy, despite how I'll act at times. Lol Consider me the perfect balance between both, without being transgender. XD I'll most likely be using this world for the purposes of ranting or just casual updates. Moving on, I suppose I should say a bit more about myself. I'm 19, almost 20. I'm heavily scarred on my face and other places on my body. Other than that, I'm a relatively normal (Yes, I just used the word "normal" to describe myself. It's not meant in the conventional sense in any way, though. XD) Otaku/gamer. My favorite anime is Death Note, with Sword Art Online following close behind. My favorite anime character of all time is Tobi/Obito Uchiha, from Naruto Shippuden. If I spoiled his identity for any of you, I apologize. Lol My favorite game is Persona 3, which I'm sure not many have heard of or played. XD That aside, I'm typically a pretty cheerful guy. I specialize in helping others with emotional problems and the like. A healer, I guess you could call me. ^__^ I also have a slight obsession with the concept of pain. Well, emotional pain. Anyway, I hope to post on here daily with updates and general junk that goes on in my life. If I seem monotonous at times, it's because I always suddenly run out of things to say when posting in these things. XD So yeah, this should be a good enough intro for you all. I love meeting new people, but please keep the comments pleasant. Oh, and if I talk about myself in the third person from time to time, just go with it. XD Anyway, ciao for now! ^w^
