A little about me:

Hobbies: Games, Anime, learning Japanese and recently started playing Piano.

What I do: I'm currently at university in my first year.

Music: Eeh, everything?

Me: I'm soft. Deal with it. Myah.

If you'd like any more information, ask me, I won't be bothered by it.

Guize. People think this racist, what do you think?

If any of you have heard the song "Hello Kitty" by Avril Lavigne, you might or most likely would've heard the argument that this is racist. Personally, I don't get what everyone is getting mad about, I don't see how it's racist but the comments some people made. THOSE WERE FUNNY. Damn, I have never heard so many stupid things before.

I even read one, somebody said "Trying to speak Japanese is racist." Oh wow. How dumb can people get? I mean. Man, I am learning Japanese, I try to speak it, I might get some pronunciations wrong with certain combinations of sounds. But damn, it doesn't mean I'm racist. The world is funny. :P

On another note, let me know what you think racism is in itself. I am intrigued, I might end up criticizing some of your views, don't take it harshly, I end up doing it all the time, but it doesn't mean I say you can't believe that. Just ask Hifsa, she deals with me more than anyone and somehow survives. xD

Anyway. Song here. Avril Lavigne - Hello Kitty. Let me hear your views. Myah.

A long trip in the morning

Euuuugghghhhhh, after me not sleeping much at all. Results day tomorrow, I can get them online but my course leader wants me to head all the way to university. That means an hour and a half train journey, accompanied with a bus or two, first thing in the morning. Bleh.

Should be fun, I guess. Aah well. In other news, I taught myself around 110 kanji or something yesterday. I am aiming for 2000 before September at least, so that is a good start. Might do the same today, I have plenty of spare time, for the moment. Myah.

Aah *yawns* "Why are you never tired?" "That's the point, I am always tired." That is pretty much me. I am going to probably collapse at some point. xD

I get some work to do from tomorrow or it might arrive next week on Monday. I hope I don't have to trek all the way to uni though. That will be a pain.

No Game No Life

Watch it. I am pretty obsessed with it, since yeah. I wish that could happen. I woulds likes to be in world like that, myah. ^^

In other news, gaming has become a great thing once again, I am destroying all the games I own though, damn things too easy. I guess I will go on the xbox again later and rerun Halo 4 on Legendary. I guarantee I will have completed it by tomorrow morning. Myah.

Also got the house to myself for a week so I can do as many all nighters as I want, there might be a lot. :P

Anybody playing Dark Souls 2 at all? I'd like opinions, would you say it's harder than the first? Or if it's even hard at all? I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I think I am killing bosses I'm not supposed to be able to.

Aaaaand collapse.

Aaaaaaand collapse. Lacking energy, but gaming must go on! Hahaha.

I have another 4 days before my results and then after that I have until September to do what I want. So yeah. Sleep will be lacking, food might be too for the next week but gaming will be to the max, that also includes watching anime though, I need to keep my average and manage another 55 series before September. Myah.

Easily done. :)

Back to stuff now. Terra.

Gaming Time

So, I got bored of being able to complete games so easy. People said Dark Souls was really hard, lol, not even close. I've played MOBA's harder than that. Even so. I decided to challenge myself real time, I have to complete Dark Souls without saving for a start, so not able to close the game down, on the other part too, I am doing it with the dreaded pc controls that everyone talked about.

I think it's easier than with a controller! Maybe I have just spent too much time having no life and spending it on games. Time well spent, life is being enjoyed to the max. Haha, gamer for life. :P

If anyone has any gaming challenges for me to attempt, please let me know, I have started to get bored of the over 500 games that I own. Myah. Also, if I get a new game due to request I will do my normal thing and play it on the hardest difficulty, that also includes hardcore mode if possible, I like the all or nothing chance in them games. ^^