I no about the "geen" I always have, and thats how you pronounce the name of the canable who murdered 100s, true story, check records, that's the guy Silrnce Of The Lambs was based on, and yeah, but he also murdered like the little evil THING he is wen he was little, he was just trying to gain Rangiku's trust like Aizan did with Momo, -AsagiTaichou
umm what about a cerial killer and gin means silver and its pronounced as geen not gin. and his fox face you dont even know he is sweet! ya know when he first met matsumoto she didnt have a birthday because things like that didnt matter. then ichimaru gave her one. the day they met i think he is sweet!
Sweet?! Are you trying to tell me that Cat Face is cute and cuddly and that Ichi isn't?! You've really got it backwards, Ichimaru has always reminded me and Rukia of a snake, right Sis? (Rukia: *nods* Mm-hm!) See? Besides, don't you no that the name "Gin" was the same name of a serial killer? Ichigo on the other hand is a nice strawberry, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Seriously?! *faints* How can you hate Little Little?! (calls him a cute pet name even though I'm a bit ticked at him right now, but still wuv hims) He's so sweeeeet! If I could meet someone like Ichigo (that didn't already belong to someone else) I'd be in heaven! I mean, meeting a real life Edward Cullen is NEVER going to happen, so I don't really even dream about that one, no man is like Edward, besides, I think I might even perfer Jasper You no me and my southern taste, surprisingly though, I hate spices, go figure, anyway, I hope some day I'll meet an Ichigo cosplayer that hasas much incommon with the strawberry as I have with Rukia, (dream) -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
No, but that was volume 7, but! OH MAN! Ichigo looks SOOOOO smexy!!!!!! He is SOOOO prettyyyy!!!!! I'll post it on Sugar Berries! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Yeah, the 11th volume is out later this month, I always check Borders.com every other month to get an estimated release date, there are three things I get every other month: Skip Beat! (comes out first) Chibi Vampire (comes out second) and Bleach (comes out third) I wounder if conventions have things that aren't on the market yet? Like, The Art Of Bleach comes out in early October, I wounder if AWA (late September) will have it, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
I only watch it to watever volume have, kinda like, "Look how much more I have since last time!" I have 1-10, but 11 is getting released later this month so Ill get that wen it comes out, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
hmm my day was boring as hell thanks for asking i slept a lot of it haha. yeah and like. yeh.
thats awesome i love bleach ive done what you have watched bleach non stop its awesome haha but i only did it to like episode 52 or whatever becuase thats where they last stopped it before bringing it back in english
I've been wavhing Bleach for 12 hours and I still have two disks to go, ya' no, you'd think after all this I'd be sick of it, but I just want more, ya' no one time I watched Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban for 72 hours straight? My mom finally said I needed sunlight and would break the disk so I stopped, I did the same thing with CURSED, and yet, I still watch 'em all the time! How was your day? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Well, the shootout indicates a resolving of conflict (our war for example) but not always negativly, the fact that he was sexy means that he dosen't neccacrily look sexy, but he has a good personality that attracts you, the fact that they were rivals didn't mean that they were really enemies, only that, to you, he is a challenge, unfourtinatly I can't find anything for "age" or "old freinds" or anything, as for the next one, the fact that it was your teacher means yuo have certain nowledge that you are able to transfer, the fact that it was lipposuction means you are trying to get rid of certain parts of your life, and the KKK indicates that you have an attitude of superiority, um, wow, I think that covers the basics, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
oh ok good well one dream i had last night there was this other girl and then this guy and they were like having a shoot off trying to kill eachother and he was pretty sexy and then like we were dressed up as cowboys and the only reason he was trying to kill her because she was better and faster than him and we were chasing him. and then there was this department store he went into and i talked him out of it telling him when he was her age he was good but now hes older. but we had to fake hug and thats when we talked becuase we didnt want to make a scene in public. yeh and then our eyes met and i woke up
but i had this relle scary dream last month i had a dream that my math teacher had lippo suction. yeh it was creepy she was soo skinny and then she did it just to eat more.
one last one. i had a dream that my mom was trying to train me to become apart of the KKK. like she didnt tell me up front someone else did i dont know who. and in the dream we were in some old apartment and everything was brown and there was this like wardrobe and she threw a black african in there and someone all dressed up in white came and they looked inside and said "well i havn't seen one of these in a while" and to train me she like was keeping food from me and i stole some and i ran down the street with it. and it was the street to school too. and then like it threw it at someone at a table and i ran for it. then i think i woke up. i cant remeber
so yea could you possibly tell me whats up with my dreams becuase thats relle scary. yeah and im not even white or black so that dream doesnt make any sense at all. k thanks!
Yeah, I try, So, I ish they would show dreams more in Bleach, why? Your subconciouse says things that your conciouse can't, revealing your true love perhaps? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Ya' think? Yay for SanMiro! I mean the engagement was long enough! It's funny though because wen Ru- I almost said Rukia, wen KAGOME came back after a wile she called Seshomaru "Broth-In-Law" and Inuyasha said it had a really nasty ring to it! Oh well Inu! Too late! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Actually, they don't kiss, I was a bit disapointed, but Sango and Miroku have three kids, and Seshy and Inuyasha are freinds, Kagome got stuck in her world for three years, oh, and, now she's living there and marrying Inuyasha -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
no its Tatchigo and just because it wont happen doesnt mean i cant pair em up like people make things yiou all the time do you tell them the same thing your telling me?
hell the fuck no. lol ichirukia is not going to happen i wont let it and if it does bleach wont be my favorite show anymore haha. ill change it to eyesheild 21 XD because its awesome!
Sounds like mine, but you no TatIchi won't happen right? IchiHime has a slightly better chance but IchiRuki will surely be the victor, just don't get your hopes up ya' no, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
most deffinant haha sorry no matter how much you want me to change you cant change my heart onece its set on something. not even i have that power hee hee. its gotta mind of its own lol.
Trust me, I understand that, but maybe if you just TRIED IchiRuki? I can recomend one of my owne writings, I'm actually finishing one up now, -AsagiTaichou visitmy site for a good fanfic
no thank you that makes me angry haha i hate it that much that it acctually makes me angry haha and yes i do have taste it might not be appealing to you because its unique
Wow, no offense, but you have terrible taste in couples, but, maybe if you glanced at some IchiRuki stuff you might change your mind -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
eww ichirukia and eww yordichi and soifong. well soifong is just like all over her thats all. haha i said that too lolz. no but relle i think some people are better off alone or maybe they will find someone else. haha. maybe yoruichi and shinji haha i dont know haha.
First of all, I like her with Urahara, I ask because ome people like her with SoiFon, anyway, I don't really no, and man! I just spent like, the last hour or something swimming in IchiRuki goodness and I'm dying to write some stuff! If I could draw I would, and yes, I AM a terrible speller! Thanks for noticing! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
man your right you are bad at spelling haha Yoruichi well...acctually i think some people are meant to be alone. like not everyones gunna have a couple either that or she might have some moments with urahara but im not sure they would make a couple because they're friends. Who do you think should be with Kenpachi? haha
Oh, I thought you were this artist on DA that drew one of my favirote IchiRuki pics, but she turned on us, turned into a TatIchi fan (I no I said that wrong I don't remember!) I was gonna thnk ya', anyway, actually, I kinda did see 'im turning, I never believed he was dead and around episode 46 I guessed he turned, I always new Gin was evil, and I guessed Tousen the latest, I also sorta saw the hole "Shiro= a main charector" thing coming, and, do you like RanShiro? Please say no, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Sorry it did, look at the last three pages of the final chapter on my world, Kagome and him get married, Sango and Miroku have three kids, Naraku and Kikiyo are both dead, ahhhhh, better than I imagened! And um, you wouldn't happen to be Tasuki-no-Miko on DA would ya'? And so um, if my ideahs keep coming true, hopefully IchiRuki will too, I guesed alot of stuff that's happened in anime and manga, so, let's leave my sixth sense at that shall we? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
because i think itd be nice even if its just my imagination. and Inuome is gross i hate it. shes an annoying little grr! i hate her. and i hope it doesnt happen so take that!
Were you ever an IchiRuki fan? And ICHIRUKI WILL HAPPEN! IF INUKAGO CAN HAPPEN SO CAN ICHIRUKI! And out of curiosity, why support something that will never happen? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
no Tat-chigo ok thats how its said iight and anyway i know it wont happan and i wont let ichirukia happen either so take that! yeah i do but i never go on it haha.
Bad! *takes away cookie* No TatIchi! Bad! *swat* wait a minute, TatIchi? Do you have a DA account? And ICHIRUKI RULES! TATICHI WILL NEVER HAPPEN! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Light dies? Misa dies? Eh, serves 'em right, anyway, she wouldn't be that dumb as to kill herself, and besides, if Orahime falls in love with Uryuu, are you STILL gonna support IchiHime? Even if they're both happily ever after with someone else? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
i dont care if they get closer its not allowed and the connection was supposed to be that if she couldnt have ichigo to just kill herself like misa did after light dies.
I no that she's from Death Note, I mean wat's the connection? And you'll see that starting with the Soul Society arcshe starts to get really close to Uryuu, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
no because then she would just get to live in depression and get to see their love she longs for her and ichigo to have instead and then she will end up hating herself even more for thinking like because she just want ichigo to be happy and then who knows she might be like misa amane and just kill herself!
Oh, good, ... hey wait a minut tyhat's still bad! How about if she moves to Soul Society? Will you be ok with it then? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
How dare you! (covers Rukia's ears) My twin WILL NOT DIE! I will follow you to Japan, kick your butt, praise Tite-San, and stop by a dozen conventions on the way back! Oh Rukia! Don't listen to her! (pats head) Don't you dare insult my Rukia! Ichigo would kill you if he read this! "Hey Ichigo!" -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
i dont care about uryuu he can go to hell i dont care. oh yeah duh think about it they're 15 year old! jeeze haha. i wont let it happend i will go to japan and kick kubo's ass if he doesnt do the story right they only way i would let ichiruki happen is if she dies!
9th? I thought it was 10 or 11 or 12? Weird, anyway! In my world (and in Tite Kubo's eventual world) they are! Besides! You're worried about Orahime getting hurt?! Wat about Uryuu!? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Hey! The arguments haven't been that emmotional lately! Besides! The quincy DOES have a part of this! You're trying to make his wife cheat on him! AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
More so than Rukia, (sorry Hime, I love ya', but right now I gotta fight for you and Uryuu) besides, eventually he would winde up kissing Rukia because you no wat arguments lead to, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Yeah, but you usually don't call someone you love "idiot" and Orahime would be offended, Rukia would fight back, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
A man that will yell at her and insult her? She isn't one of the ones that you can tease, Rukia is, Ichigo loves to tease, Uryuu dosen't, if Ichigo tried loving her like he did Rukia Orahime would cry, he needs someone he can tease! Enter Rukia! Besides, he needs to teach her how to open a juice box anyway! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Oh, gotch'a, I added moreto your story, and FYI, so maybe she isn't a nerd, but she needs someone like Uryuu! She needs his help! If she needed smeone to say, "Don't die Idiot," then she'd call Ichigo, but she needs the sensitive type! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Stevie Wounder? Huh? So! They're both nerds and belong together! As a romance writer, I can see these things, I have a sixth sense of sorts wen it comes to love, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Yes, she did, and hello!! She'll settle! Uryuu obviously loves her, after a wile she'l get over Ichi and go to him! Besides! Who asid love was fair?! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
she doesnt want him! she wants ichigo. for all she cares she thinks he like rukia!!! also didny kaeins wife die anyway after that inccident well maybe if he had stayed alive it would have been better.
i felt soo bad for orihime when she got taken away and the last thing she did was ichigo. for the last time. i love that girl. rukia well i cant feel bad for her for anything relle shes got it happenin shes got ichigo while orihime is all by herself. thats why i love orihime she is awesome. i just relle dont think rukia should be allowed to steal him away so they can live happily ever after. and acctually i think that rukia would have made a good couple with kaien shiba.
Ahhh, but it'd probbably be sweet (he does like Shakespear after all) probbably under the Sakura trees, with his mother's ring, he'd probbably say something like... "You are the most annoying, Chappy obsessed, violent, little midget I have ever met, and I lve every bit of you," Ahhhhhhh, *melts* -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
No, his dad is a Soul Reaper and his sisters would understand since they can see spirits (Yuzu recently learned) besides, refer to episode 8, "But wenever you're ready to talk about it, I'll be there to listen," that's one of the sweetest things she's ever said! I love it!! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
yeah well the only reason i will never accept ichiruki is because it angers me that he would do that. i feel that he betrays everyone by doing that. i dont know why i just do. i think i hate ichigo i little too. well yeah thats that. and sorry i sound like that dood. haha
Last thing, in Shounen anime/manga, the hero always falss in love with the girl he met by fate, NOT the one he's nowen forever! Same with the girl and tha boy by fate, if he wasn't going to fall in love with her Tite Kubo might as well have sent Renji!
Listen you! Maybe you should watch an IchiRuki AMV sometime! The one I just posted might do, also, Tite Kubo has them in the chapter pages all the time with eachother! Further more, Rukia acted like she hated him to save him, did Orahime ever do that? NO!
Ah man, not that I mind arguing with you, but I thought I had changed your mind, I guess it isn't that easy to turn one, wich reminds me, do you like Twilight? Alright anyway, don't call my twin a bigshot! You may not want to hear this, but right now your acting alot like this stupid boy that I argued with for three days on here! And who said she was shattering anything?! If Rukia had the time to stop worrying about hollows and find out the Orahime was in love with him, I'm sure they would both sit down and have a civilized conversation! Alright I no I sound like I insulted Rukia but I didn't, and another thing! I'm going to use a little evedience that my dear Neccy brought up! They look right together, first off, is it really that wise for Ichigo to marry someone that isn't that much shorter than he is? Think about it, he likes carrying Rukia, I bet it partly has to do with the fact that she's so tiny, to get her outta the way of something he picks her up bridal style, that'd be harder to do with Orahime, plus, if they had kids they'd all be red heads, if Rukia was thrown in the mix it'd be a mystery, simple, and another thing, Renji likes to shove people outtta the way, so he needs someone that's not that short, if he shoved poor little Rukia, well, and about that shy thing, no way! How long has Ichigo nowen Keigo and Mizurio and Tatkie? Think about the way he treats them! And besides, here's the most undeniable eveidence, if they got married THEY'D HAVE THE SAME INITUALS! THE SAME FOR ORAHIME AND URYUU! K & K, I & I, see that? But also! Their swords? They say opposites attract and their swords are completely opposite, black and wite, unpure, and pure, hard, and elegant, chain and ribbon, ball and bell, that, and the hilts are simaler and nicely decorated, so there!
listen here the only reason orihime and ichigo are going slow is because they know too much about eachother no thats not it just its shy to do things like that. epsecially with someone you know. then when someone you dont relle know comes along you can spill your guts to them and fell safe about because you dont know eachother. See thats why it would take longer. Just because big shot rukia came doesnt mean she should shatter what orihime aspired for. and also orihim lost alot too! dont forget it. Renji is just perfect for Rukia. just is. ok. yeah.
First off, that may be true, but if Renjio was any good he would've gone to rescue her wen he had the perfect chance, he wouldn't have waited till the exicution was about a week away, he would've rescued her immediatly like Ichigo! And Rukia has lost more than one person, besides that the thing! If they had a CHANCE they would, why take a method that takes a long time wen Rukia can make it stop instantly? Orahime has had wat? Over a year? Rukia had less than two months and made it stop, same for Renji and her, not to mention that they feel safe around eachother, look at this way, Ichigo is overly poliet to Orahime, but with Rukia they feel comfortable enough with eachother to yell and fight like they were married, as for Renji, well, she clearly fights more with Ichigo, -AsagiTaichou
Yeah well listen here Renji wanted the best for her he didnt know what she wanted. They grew up poor as hell and this request to become a noble would have been like a god send. Renji didnt want her to leave. He thought thats what would be best. Orihime and Ichigo make a perfect match because they both share the same difference haha....orange hair. they both know what its like to lose someone. if they had the chance they could make the rain in eachother stop at the same time. until rukia came, then orihime became all depressed and then it was like a tsunami. a never ending one that lies inside.
Hm, alright, let's see, Renji was ready to abandon Rukia wen she became a noble, Ichigo couldn't and wouldn't abandon her no matter wat! And! Rukia is the one that made Ichigo notice Orahime (in a way) he wouldn't have really cared about her if it weren't for Rukia showing up, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Well don't die, I'm obsesive with proving my point in a heated debate, my mom and I agree on nearly everything so I love debates, (although my IchiRuki I will defend forever) -AsagiTaichou
First of all, I except another fandom name, MomoShiro for example, now let's drop that and concentrate on this problum! I'm saying to you, Ichigo asid that Rukia made the rain in his heart stop, (meaning all his sadness) and she said the same thing about him, she didn't say it about Renji, he didn't say it about Orahime, further more, he does get concerned about Hime, I'll give you that, but look at his eyes, the eyes are the gatewagy to the soul and any god artist can show emotion with the eyes, take a look at him after the battle with Grimmjow, look at the way he loks at her, look at his EYES, now look at wen he was appoligizing to Orahime, look at the diffrence, there's a big diffrence, and it isn't just the light! If you need more proog, listen to the way he screams in the preveiw for the nex movie, ouch! Ear peircing! Look, besides, he only noticed Hime wen Rukia came around, afterher, he changed, and she did too, they've become happier, thy've become hole, they smile more, laugh more, less tears fall, and wat did you say about my Quincy?! Don't insult my little quincy! I need a dress tailered! Seriously though! This is between me and you, hands off the male sewer! And it couldn't be more obviouse that he likes Orahime, and also, as for the fangirl thing, Ichigo is someone you would want to marry, the responsible husband, Renji is the one you want to build a shrine for, the motorcycle bad boy, so there! -AsagiTaichou
Well i dont care about fandom my fandom is called Rukenji, i would name something that. thats how good i think it sounds. yeah and screw the quincy they're dead to me and to orihime. as for the rain i have no idea where you came up with that and the umbrella but i like the sound of your paragraph very catchty. could make someone turn almost but not me. Im planted firmly on the gorund. orihimes heart has been broken once when her brother died. i dont think that is should be again ichigo shouldnt be dead to her either! So she wasnt funna die anyway they didnt need ichigo shunsiu and ukitake were going to stop it anyway. Ichigo just made it more dramaticful.
First of all, in the fandomit IS called RenRuki, just like HinaHitsu, I like MomoShiro, but it is "legally" HinaHitsu, second of all, I don't care! Renji was gonna let her die untill Ichigo nocked since into that pineapple brain of his! Ichigo deserves Rukia and vise versa! I will take this analigy from my favirote IchiRuki Hime's POV fic! Orahime wants to offer Ichigo her umbrella to sheild him from the rain, but that's pointless wen the rain has already stopped, Rukia made the rain stop; Rukia dosen't laugh sincerly, not usually, but he makes her smile, she takes his scowel away, the concern in his eyes is for only her, the comfort she shows him is beyong freindship, she opened her doors, but this time, he walked in, and opened his doors for her, Orahie can not make his rain stop, so why take an umbrella, if the rain is stopping altogether? Wow! Did I just write a poem?! Anyway, so there! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
yeha well it wouldnt be called what you said its called Rukenji ok because i like the sound of that better and poor renji grew up with her and fell in love with her and they even fight like a married couple there not allowed to love. well it should be the other way around ichigo is for the fan girls. stupid strawberry. haha i love rangiku she is soo awesome haha.
That's wat the quincy is for! Hime takes the quincy, Ruki takes the Soul Reaper, simple, besides, Rukia's life is much harder, and we fangirls need Renji to have someone to build shrines around without feeling guilty, so don't even THINK about saying "RenRuki" wen I say that my dear twin (Rukia is my dark haired twin; not in looks, in personality, I even seem to feel her emotions, freaky) will not e alone! That's wat Renji is for! For us fangirls! And don't think I'm weird, my mom and Rangiku are twins (not the drunk crazy Rangiku, the seriouse Rangiku, FYI,) ICHIRUKI FOREVER! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
well i relle dont like the ichiruki idea. i dont know i just. i feel sooo bad for orihime and shes lived such a depressing life i dont wanna see it end like that for her.
I'm really glad that it's back on track, now the war will end soon, (well, in Bleach time) and during recovery everyone will wear their hearts on their sleves and spew mushy junk, (coming from the romance writer, nice,) and I can't WAIT for that! IchiRuki! And if it ends anything like Inuyasha (manga) did, I will be so happy that I will sqeal and purr, I mean, I hate to see Bleach end, but I'm looking forward to the epilog, and the more there is the harder it'll be to collect! But anyway, plus there is atleast one (probbably two) more movies coming out so it won't end so quickly, and if the anime keeps dlaying the war I'm pretty much in a little unescapeable ditch aren't I? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
You forgot the Rukia Gin fight, she must be REALLY mad if she didn't like him before, then he teased her! And now this! Well Rukia, I only have two things to say, one: Good luck, I no you'll win, and two: LET ME IN ON THE FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
yeah so you think i care. mwaha i love gin. and murderers haha XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
I no about the "geen" I always have, and thats how you pronounce the name of the canable who murdered 100s, true story, check records, that's the guy Silrnce Of The Lambs was based on, and yeah, but he also murdered like the little evil THING he is wen he was little, he was just trying to gain Rangiku's trust like Aizan did with Momo, -AsagiTaichou
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/09/08 | Reply
umm what about a cerial killer and gin means silver and its pronounced as geen not gin. and his fox face you dont even know he is sweet! ya know when he first met matsumoto she didnt have a birthday because things like that didnt matter. then ichimaru gave her one. the day they met i think he is sweet!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/09/08 | Reply
Sweet?! Are you trying to tell me that Cat Face is cute and cuddly and that Ichi isn't?! You've really got it backwards, Ichimaru has always reminded me and Rukia of a snake, right Sis? (Rukia: *nods* Mm-hm!) See? Besides, don't you no that the name "Gin" was the same name of a serial killer? Ichigo on the other hand is a nice strawberry, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/09/08 | Reply
wow damn you relle want him..ew haha XD its k. lol i love ichimaru but i dont care if id ever get someone as sweet as him. lol.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/09/08 | Reply
Seriously?! *faints* How can you hate Little Little?! (calls him a cute pet name even though I'm a bit ticked at him right now, but still wuv hims) He's so sweeeeet! If I could meet someone like Ichigo (that didn't already belong to someone else) I'd be in heaven! I mean, meeting a real life Edward Cullen is NEVER going to happen, so I don't really even dream about that one, no man is like Edward, besides, I think I might even perfer Jasper You no me and my southern taste, surprisingly though, I hate spices, go figure, anyway, I hope some day I'll meet an Ichigo cosplayer that hasas much incommon with the strawberry as I have with Rukia, (dream) -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
ooo haha. okies. well uhh..wow hah ichigo eww haha. no offense but i think i hate him...i dont know why.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
No, but that was volume 7, but! OH MAN! Ichigo looks SOOOOO smexy!!!!!! He is SOOOO prettyyyy!!!!! I'll post it on Sugar Berries! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
no, why what is it? is it ichimaru? =D
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
Yeah, have you seen the cover for volume 11? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
oh damn...thats because its sooo great! XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
No, Bleach is the most expensive (about 5 dollars mre expensive) so I don't mind, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
oh that sucks i would be like bleach should come first!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
Yeah, the 11th volume is out later this month, I always check Borders.com every other month to get an estimated release date, there are three things I get every other month: Skip Beat! (comes out first) Chibi Vampire (comes out second) and Bleach (comes out third) I wounder if conventions have things that aren't on the market yet? Like, The Art Of Bleach comes out in early October, I wounder if AWA (late September) will have it, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
oh thats kool is it in english? i want the volumes haha i love bleach XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
I only watch it to watever volume have, kinda like, "Look how much more I have since last time!" I have 1-10, but 11 is getting released later this month so Ill get that wen it comes out, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
hmm my day was boring as hell thanks for asking i slept a lot of it haha. yeah and like. yeh.
thats awesome i love bleach ive done what you have watched bleach non stop its awesome haha but i only did it to like episode 52 or whatever becuase thats where they last stopped it before bringing it back in english
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
I've been wavhing Bleach for 12 hours and I still have two disks to go, ya' no, you'd think after all this I'd be sick of it, but I just want more, ya' no one time I watched Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban for 72 hours straight? My mom finally said I needed sunlight and would break the disk so I stopped, I did the same thing with CURSED, and yet, I still watch 'em all the time! How was your day? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
yes mwahsha XDDD
so how was your day?
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
I don't doubt that! -AsagiTaichou hate is an empty feeling love is a dear emotion
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
haha that seems relle funny i want that book.
lol. haha. man that makes me laugh.
no but seriously the guy in my dream sexy im tellin you. haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/06/08 | Reply
Well, the shootout indicates a resolving of conflict (our war for example) but not always negativly, the fact that he was sexy means that he dosen't neccacrily look sexy, but he has a good personality that attracts you, the fact that they were rivals didn't mean that they were really enemies, only that, to you, he is a challenge, unfourtinatly I can't find anything for "age" or "old freinds" or anything, as for the next one, the fact that it was your teacher means yuo have certain nowledge that you are able to transfer, the fact that it was lipposuction means you are trying to get rid of certain parts of your life, and the KKK indicates that you have an attitude of superiority, um, wow, I think that covers the basics, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/06/08 | Reply
oh ok good well one dream i had last night there was this other girl and then this guy and they were like having a shoot off trying to kill eachother and he was pretty sexy and then like we were dressed up as cowboys and the only reason he was trying to kill her because she was better and faster than him and we were chasing him. and then there was this department store he went into and i talked him out of it telling him when he was her age he was good but now hes older. but we had to fake hug and thats when we talked becuase we didnt want to make a scene in public. yeh and then our eyes met and i woke up
but i had this relle scary dream last month i had a dream that my math teacher had lippo suction. yeh it was creepy she was soo skinny and then she did it just to eat more.
one last one. i had a dream that my mom was trying to train me to become apart of the KKK. like she didnt tell me up front someone else did i dont know who. and in the dream we were in some old apartment and everything was brown and there was this like wardrobe and she threw a black african in there and someone all dressed up in white came and they looked inside and said "well i havn't seen one of these in a while" and to train me she like was keeping food from me and i stole some and i ran down the street with it. and it was the street to school too. and then like it threw it at someone at a table and i ran for it. then i think i woke up. i cant remeber
so yea could you possibly tell me whats up with my dreams becuase thats relle scary. yeah and im not even white or black so that dream doesnt make any sense at all. k thanks!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/06/08 | Reply
Sure, I have a dream dictionary that can decode them, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/06/08 | Reply
oh relle now well may i share with you some of my dreams?
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/05/08 | Reply
I believe that dreams are a gateway to the soul and heart and have hidden meanings, -AsagiTaichou
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/05/08 | Reply
no i doubt it becuase if what you just said was relle true no. haha i need to tell you about some of my scary dreams oh man.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/05/08 | Reply
Yeah, I try, So, I ish they would show dreams more in Bleach, why? Your subconciouse says things that your conciouse can't, revealing your true love perhaps? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/05/08 | Reply
ehh thats why you should do it to get more experience XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
My drawings on paint are even worse -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
=[ do it on paint =p
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Hm, sorry, can't draw, (or atleast can't post because my scanner is well, not a very good scanner) -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
you have to draw anything you want as long as it supports my hiruma world and eyesheild 21
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Sure, wat's yours? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
haha what the contest?
would you be interested in entering mine?
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Scary? ? So! Any interest in entering my contests? (NOTE: A couple I don't like will not be accepted) -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
wow. thats..scary.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Ya' think? Yay for SanMiro! I mean the engagement was long enough! It's funny though because wen Ru- I almost said Rukia, wen KAGOME came back after a wile she called Seshomaru "Broth-In-Law" and Inuyasha said it had a really nasty ring to it! Oh well Inu! Too late! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
i know ive seen..lol
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
eww thats disgusting. kagome and inu damn her! im glad for sango and miroku haha.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
I just made two new cards! Don't worry, neither are IchiRuki, though I can't say that for many... -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
are you sure i must?
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Actually, they don't kiss, I was a bit disapointed, but Sango and Miroku have three kids, and Seshy and Inuyasha are freinds, Kagome got stuck in her world for three years, oh, and, now she's living there and marrying Inuyasha -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
never i dont wanna i bet they kiss or something i just wish that kagome would die thats all i want.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Well, you'll have to see the ending to believe it, I suggest you do, it's on Ask Asagi, -AsagiTaichou visit my site fr a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
uhh no. but i know one thing that happend in the manga before kikyo died she kissed inu i was like aww and then she dissapeard i was like O_O oh man!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
So, did you see the last few pages of Inuyasha on my site? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
oh well i have them very high =] not haha idk lol
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
No, I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up, -AsagiTaichou
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
no its Tatchigo and just because it wont happen doesnt mean i cant pair em up like people make things yiou all the time do you tell them the same thing your telling me?
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
*rolls eyes* But you no that TatIchiwon't happen right? I mean, it's either IchiRuki or IchiHime *cough IchiRuki cough* -AsagiTaichou
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
hell the fuck no. lol ichirukia is not going to happen i wont let it and if it does bleach wont be my favorite show anymore haha. ill change it to eyesheild 21 XD because its awesome!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Sounds like mine, but you no TatIchi won't happen right? IchiHime has a slightly better chance but IchiRuki will surely be the victor, just don't get your hopes up ya' no, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
most deffinant haha sorry no matter how much you want me to change you cant change my heart onece its set on something. not even i have that power hee hee. its gotta mind of its own lol.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Posted! You sure you don't wanna give it a try? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
thats kool haha XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Tch, typical, I'm gonna post the fanfic I just wrote now -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
nahh ill stick with mine haha. thats for the offer tho.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Trust me, I understand that, but maybe if you just TRIED IchiRuki? I can recomend one of my owne writings, I'm actually finishing one up now, -AsagiTaichou visitmy site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
no thank you that makes me angry haha i hate it that much that it acctually makes me angry haha and yes i do have taste it might not be appealing to you because its unique
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Wow, no offense, but you have terrible taste in couples, but, maybe if you glanced at some IchiRuki stuff you might change your mind -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
eww ichirukia and eww yordichi and soifong. well soifong is just like all over her thats all. haha i said that too lolz. no but relle i think some people are better off alone or maybe they will find someone else. haha. maybe yoruichi and shinji haha i dont know haha.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
First of all, I like her with Urahara, I ask because ome people like her with SoiFon, anyway, I don't really no, and man! I just spent like, the last hour or something swimming in IchiRuki goodness and I'm dying to write some stuff! If I could draw I would, and yes, I AM a terrible speller! Thanks for noticing! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
man your right you are bad at spelling haha Yoruichi well...acctually i think some people are meant to be alone. like not everyones gunna have a couple either that or she might have some moments with urahara but im not sure they would make a couple because they're friends. Who do you think should be with Kenpachi? haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
So, you basically like NONE of the couples I like, figures, and? Youraweichie? Who do ya' like her with?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
i dont even wanna know haha im a Torin fan haha. That means Karin and Toshiro. haha yeah it Tatchigo. haha XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Oh, I thought you were this artist on DA that drew one of my favirote IchiRuki pics, but she turned on us, turned into a TatIchi fan (I no I said that wrong I don't remember!) I was gonna thnk ya', anyway, actually, I kinda did see 'im turning, I never believed he was dead and around episode 46 I guessed he turned, I always new Gin was evil, and I guessed Tousen the latest, I also sorta saw the hole "Shiro= a main charector" thing coming, and, do you like RanShiro? Please say no, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
so lets not i hope it fails this time like did you see aizen turning maybe who knows.
no on the da my name is....hee hee Captain-Ichimaru
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Sorry it did, look at the last three pages of the final chapter on my world, Kagome and him get married, Sango and Miroku have three kids, Naraku and Kikiyo are both dead, ahhhhh, better than I imagened! And um, you wouldn't happen to be Tasuki-no-Miko on DA would ya'? And so um, if my ideahs keep coming true, hopefully IchiRuki will too, I guesed alot of stuff that's happened in anime and manga, so, let's leave my sixth sense at that shall we? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
because i think itd be nice even if its just my imagination. and Inuome is gross i hate it. shes an annoying little grr! i hate her. and i hope it doesnt happen so take that!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Were you ever an IchiRuki fan? And ICHIRUKI WILL HAPPEN! IF INUKAGO CAN HAPPEN SO CAN ICHIRUKI! And out of curiosity, why support something that will never happen? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
no Tat-chigo ok thats how its said iight and anyway i know it wont happan and i wont let ichirukia happen either so take that! yeah i do but i never go on it haha.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Bad! *takes away cookie* No TatIchi! Bad! *swat* wait a minute, TatIchi? Do you have a DA account? And ICHIRUKI RULES! TATICHI WILL NEVER HAPPEN! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
yes i will still support Tatchigo XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Alright, if IchiRuki happens will you still support TatsIchi? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
no of corse not....
because i support Tatchigo haha >3
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Light dies? Misa dies? Eh, serves 'em right, anyway, she wouldn't be that dumb as to kill herself, and besides, if Orahime falls in love with Uryuu, are you STILL gonna support IchiHime? Even if they're both happily ever after with someone else? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
i dont care if they get closer its not allowed and the connection was supposed to be that if she couldnt have ichigo to just kill herself like misa did after light dies.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
I no that she's from Death Note, I mean wat's the connection? And you'll see that starting with the Soul Society arcshe starts to get really close to Uryuu, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
no uryuu isnt her type if she would even think aboutt going with uryuu maybe she would like him from the beginning. and misa is from death note.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Misa who? And nu-uh! She'll get together with Uryuu!! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
no because then she would just get to live in depression and get to see their love she longs for her and ichigo to have instead and then she will end up hating herself even more for thinking like because she just want ichigo to be happy and then who knows she might be like misa amane and just kill herself!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Oh, good, ... hey wait a minut tyhat's still bad! How about if she moves to Soul Society? Will you be ok with it then? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
yeah he's gunna kill me alright and i wasnt talking about rukia you crazy fool i was talking about orihime! duh.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
How dare you! (covers Rukia's ears) My twin WILL NOT DIE! I will follow you to Japan, kick your butt, praise Tite-San, and stop by a dozen conventions on the way back! Oh Rukia! Don't listen to her! (pats head) Don't you dare insult my Rukia! Ichigo would kill you if he read this! "Hey Ichigo!" -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
i dont care about uryuu he can go to hell i dont care. oh yeah duh think about it they're 15 year old! jeeze haha. i wont let it happend i will go to japan and kick kubo's ass if he doesnt do the story right they only way i would let ichiruki happen is if she dies!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
9th? I thought it was 10 or 11 or 12? Weird, anyway! In my world (and in Tite Kubo's eventual world) they are! Besides! You're worried about Orahime getting hurt?! Wat about Uryuu!? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
what in the hell are you talking about? they are not married common omfg they are only in 9th grade HELLLOOO!!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Hey! The arguments haven't been that emmotional lately! Besides! The quincy DOES have a part of this! You're trying to make his wife cheat on him! AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
yeah ok theyve had plenty and i never seen this happen and no uryuu has no part in this!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
More so than Rukia, (sorry Hime, I love ya', but right now I gotta fight for you and Uryuu) besides, eventually he would winde up kissing Rukia because you no wat arguments lead to, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
yeah well orihime wouldnt get called an idiot because shes not.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Yeah, but you usually don't call someone you love "idiot" and Orahime would be offended, Rukia would fight back, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
oh yeah i doubt a little teasing would make her cry thats so elementry. and i bet he could. so what everyone gets teased.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
A man that will yell at her and insult her? She isn't one of the ones that you can tease, Rukia is, Ichigo loves to tease, Uryuu dosen't, if Ichigo tried loving her like he did Rukia Orahime would cry, he needs someone he can tease! Enter Rukia! Besides, he needs to teach her how to open a juice box anyway! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
shes already sensitive she doesnt need that she needs a man!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Oh, gotch'a, I added moreto your story, and FYI, so maybe she isn't a nerd, but she needs someone like Uryuu! She needs his help! If she needed smeone to say, "Don't die Idiot," then she'd call Ichigo, but she needs the sensitive type! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
no orihime is not a nerd ok. and yeah ya know stevie wonders song all is fair in love. and theres a proverb all is fair in love and war.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Stevie Wounder? Huh? So! They're both nerds and belong together! As a romance writer, I can see these things, I have a sixth sense of sorts wen it comes to love, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
umm stevie wonder!
and no she wont settle for him i know she wont. hes a nerd.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Yes, she did, and hello!! She'll settle! Uryuu obviously loves her, after a wile she'l get over Ichi and go to him! Besides! Who asid love was fair?! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
she doesnt want him! she wants ichigo. for all she cares she thinks he like rukia!!! also didny kaeins wife die anyway after that inccident well maybe if he had stayed alive it would have been better.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
One, Kian was married and is now dead, two Hime isn't alone, she has the quincy! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
i felt soo bad for orihime when she got taken away and the last thing she did was ichigo. for the last time. i love that girl. rukia well i cant feel bad for her for anything relle shes got it happenin shes got ichigo while orihime is all by herself. thats why i love orihime she is awesome. i just relle dont think rukia should be allowed to steal him away so they can live happily ever after. and acctually i think that rukia would have made a good couple with kaien shiba.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Ahhh, but it'd probbably be sweet (he does like Shakespear after all) probbably under the Sakura trees, with his mother's ring, he'd probbably say something like... "You are the most annoying, Chappy obsessed, violent, little midget I have ever met, and I lve every bit of you," Ahhhhhhh, *melts* -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
he better not purpose. ill kill him.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
You do that, if I don't like the way he porposes I'LL hold THAT against him till the day he dies, -AsagiTaichou visit m site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
ummmm...yes. well i still feel betrayed and i will hold it agaisnt him till the day he dies!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
No, his dad is a Soul Reaper and his sisters would understand since they can see spirits (Yuzu recently learned) besides, refer to episode 8, "But wenever you're ready to talk about it, I'll be there to listen," that's one of the sweetest things she's ever said! I love it!! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
well not just betraying her his family and me thats how i feel. haha i know i want to read it i need to.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
Three words: Romeo And Juliet; they betray everyone for love, besides, if he never new how Hime felt he couldn't be betraying her, -AsagiTaichou
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
oh yeah i havent had a chance to read twilight.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
yeah well the only reason i will never accept ichiruki is because it angers me that he would do that. i feel that he betrays everyone by doing that. i dont know why i just do. i think i hate ichigo i little too. well yeah thats that. and sorry i sound like that dood. haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
Last thing, in Shounen anime/manga, the hero always falss in love with the girl he met by fate, NOT the one he's nowen forever! Same with the girl and tha boy by fate, if he wasn't going to fall in love with her Tite Kubo might as well have sent Renji!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
Listen you! Maybe you should watch an IchiRuki AMV sometime! The one I just posted might do, also, Tite Kubo has them in the chapter pages all the time with eachother! Further more, Rukia acted like she hated him to save him, did Orahime ever do that? NO!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
Ah man, not that I mind arguing with you, but I thought I had changed your mind, I guess it isn't that easy to turn one, wich reminds me, do you like Twilight? Alright anyway, don't call my twin a bigshot! You may not want to hear this, but right now your acting alot like this stupid boy that I argued with for three days on here! And who said she was shattering anything?! If Rukia had the time to stop worrying about hollows and find out the Orahime was in love with him, I'm sure they would both sit down and have a civilized conversation! Alright I no I sound like I insulted Rukia but I didn't, and another thing! I'm going to use a little evedience that my dear Neccy brought up! They look right together, first off, is it really that wise for Ichigo to marry someone that isn't that much shorter than he is? Think about it, he likes carrying Rukia, I bet it partly has to do with the fact that she's so tiny, to get her outta the way of something he picks her up bridal style, that'd be harder to do with Orahime, plus, if they had kids they'd all be red heads, if Rukia was thrown in the mix it'd be a mystery, simple, and another thing, Renji likes to shove people outtta the way, so he needs someone that's not that short, if he shoved poor little Rukia, well, and about that shy thing, no way! How long has Ichigo nowen Keigo and Mizurio and Tatkie? Think about the way he treats them! And besides, here's the most undeniable eveidence, if they got married THEY'D HAVE THE SAME INITUALS! THE SAME FOR ORAHIME AND URYUU! K & K, I & I, see that? But also! Their swords? They say opposites attract and their swords are completely opposite, black and wite, unpure, and pure, hard, and elegant, chain and ribbon, ball and bell, that, and the hilts are simaler and nicely decorated, so there!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
listen here the only reason orihime and ichigo are going slow is because they know too much about eachother no thats not it just its shy to do things like that. epsecially with someone you know. then when someone you dont relle know comes along you can spill your guts to them and fell safe about because you dont know eachother. See thats why it would take longer. Just because big shot rukia came doesnt mean she should shatter what orihime aspired for. and also orihim lost alot too! dont forget it. Renji is just perfect for Rukia. just is. ok. yeah.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
First off, that may be true, but if Renjio was any good he would've gone to rescue her wen he had the perfect chance, he wouldn't have waited till the exicution was about a week away, he would've rescued her immediatly like Ichigo! And Rukia has lost more than one person, besides that the thing! If they had a CHANCE they would, why take a method that takes a long time wen Rukia can make it stop instantly? Orahime has had wat? Over a year? Rukia had less than two months and made it stop, same for Renji and her, not to mention that they feel safe around eachother, look at this way, Ichigo is overly poliet to Orahime, but with Rukia they feel comfortable enough with eachother to yell and fight like they were married, as for Renji, well, she clearly fights more with Ichigo, -AsagiTaichou
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
Yeah well listen here Renji wanted the best for her he didnt know what she wanted. They grew up poor as hell and this request to become a noble would have been like a god send. Renji didnt want her to leave. He thought thats what would be best. Orihime and Ichigo make a perfect match because they both share the same difference haha....orange hair. they both know what its like to lose someone. if they had the chance they could make the rain in eachother stop at the same time. until rukia came, then orihime became all depressed and then it was like a tsunami. a never ending one that lies inside.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
Hm, alright, let's see, Renji was ready to abandon Rukia wen she became a noble, Ichigo couldn't and wouldn't abandon her no matter wat! And! Rukia is the one that made Ichigo notice Orahime (in a way) he wouldn't have really cared about her if it weren't for Rukia showing up, -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
yeh well this is hard. i never had lasted this long whatever i reserected myself im ready for round two bring it!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
Well don't die, I'm obsesive with proving my point in a heated debate, my mom and I agree on nearly everything so I love debates, (although my IchiRuki I will defend forever) -AsagiTaichou
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
yeah well fine screw this whole thing i think im just going to go die now k thanks bye.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
First of all, I except another fandom name, MomoShiro for example, now let's drop that and concentrate on this problum! I'm saying to you, Ichigo asid that Rukia made the rain in his heart stop, (meaning all his sadness) and she said the same thing about him, she didn't say it about Renji, he didn't say it about Orahime, further more, he does get concerned about Hime, I'll give you that, but look at his eyes, the eyes are the gatewagy to the soul and any god artist can show emotion with the eyes, take a look at him after the battle with Grimmjow, look at the way he loks at her, look at his EYES, now look at wen he was appoligizing to Orahime, look at the diffrence, there's a big diffrence, and it isn't just the light! If you need more proog, listen to the way he screams in the preveiw for the nex movie, ouch! Ear peircing! Look, besides, he only noticed Hime wen Rukia came around, afterher, he changed, and she did too, they've become happier, thy've become hole, they smile more, laugh more, less tears fall, and wat did you say about my Quincy?! Don't insult my little quincy! I need a dress tailered! Seriously though! This is between me and you, hands off the male sewer! And it couldn't be more obviouse that he likes Orahime, and also, as for the fangirl thing, Ichigo is someone you would want to marry, the responsible husband, Renji is the one you want to build a shrine for, the motorcycle bad boy, so there! -AsagiTaichou
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
Well i dont care about fandom my fandom is called Rukenji, i would name something that. thats how good i think it sounds. yeah and screw the quincy they're dead to me and to orihime. as for the rain i have no idea where you came up with that and the umbrella but i like the sound of your paragraph very catchty. could make someone turn almost but not me. Im planted firmly on the gorund. orihimes heart has been broken once when her brother died. i dont think that is should be again ichigo shouldnt be dead to her either! So she wasnt funna die anyway they didnt need ichigo shunsiu and ukitake were going to stop it anyway. Ichigo just made it more dramaticful.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
First of all, in the fandomit IS called RenRuki, just like HinaHitsu, I like MomoShiro, but it is "legally" HinaHitsu, second of all, I don't care! Renji was gonna let her die untill Ichigo nocked since into that pineapple brain of his! Ichigo deserves Rukia and vise versa! I will take this analigy from my favirote IchiRuki Hime's POV fic! Orahime wants to offer Ichigo her umbrella to sheild him from the rain, but that's pointless wen the rain has already stopped, Rukia made the rain stop; Rukia dosen't laugh sincerly, not usually, but he makes her smile, she takes his scowel away, the concern in his eyes is for only her, the comfort she shows him is beyong freindship, she opened her doors, but this time, he walked in, and opened his doors for her, Orahie can not make his rain stop, so why take an umbrella, if the rain is stopping altogether? Wow! Did I just write a poem?! Anyway, so there! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
yeha well it wouldnt be called what you said its called Rukenji ok because i like the sound of that better and poor renji grew up with her and fell in love with her and they even fight like a married couple there not allowed to love. well it should be the other way around ichigo is for the fan girls. stupid strawberry. haha i love rangiku she is soo awesome haha.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
That's wat the quincy is for! Hime takes the quincy, Ruki takes the Soul Reaper, simple, besides, Rukia's life is much harder, and we fangirls need Renji to have someone to build shrines around without feeling guilty, so don't even THINK about saying "RenRuki" wen I say that my dear twin (Rukia is my dark haired twin; not in looks, in personality, I even seem to feel her emotions, freaky) will not e alone! That's wat Renji is for! For us fangirls! And don't think I'm weird, my mom and Rangiku are twins (not the drunk crazy Rangiku, the seriouse Rangiku, FYI,) ICHIRUKI FOREVER! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
well i relle dont like the ichiruki idea. i dont know i just. i feel sooo bad for orihime and shes lived such a depressing life i dont wanna see it end like that for her.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
I'm really glad that it's back on track, now the war will end soon, (well, in Bleach time) and during recovery everyone will wear their hearts on their sleves and spew mushy junk, (coming from the romance writer, nice,) and I can't WAIT for that! IchiRuki! And if it ends anything like Inuyasha (manga) did, I will be so happy that I will sqeal and purr, I mean, I hate to see Bleach end, but I'm looking forward to the epilog, and the more there is the harder it'll be to collect! But anyway, plus there is atleast one (probbably two) more movies coming out so it won't end so quickly, and if the anime keeps dlaying the war I'm pretty much in a little unescapeable ditch aren't I? -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
You forgot the Rukia Gin fight, she must be REALLY mad if she didn't like him before, then he teased her! And now this! Well Rukia, I only have two things to say, one: Good luck, I no you'll win, and two: LET ME IN ON THE FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 06/28/08 | Reply
well at least your happy haha i liked going back in time and seeing how things were and that aizen was just as evil then.