I think it's about time I fixed this up haha.

Anyway, hey, whats up in the world of The Otaku? My real name is Chloe, I'm 18 years old and currently attending college. If I were to describe myself...I would say I'm a rather confusing person to get to know. I can be fairly shy and in other ways very social. If I don't like you, I don't like you so don't even try to get me to like you. If I like you, you're a friend for life unless you do something to really hurt me. But thats reasonable, right? with that being said, I should say that normally I'm very friendly to begin with. I always believe someone should at least be given a chance unless proven that they don't.

I love to draw, write, dance and listen to music. I have a deviantart and Furaffinity account for my artwork. If interested in seeing any of it, let me know.

I'm pansexual...if you want to call me bisexual because that's more comfortable for you, go ahead. I'm taken by my awesome boyfriend, Sam. He is Transgendered FtM and we're happy together. No, he doesn't have an account on here..but I thought I would share. I'm pretty straight forward, so if you want to know something you're welcome to ask. I have a TMI Tuesday world for that. You're also welcome to just write me a note. I'm normally easy to talk to.
Uhm...YEAH! haha, I think thats it for now.

Senior Otaku? o3o

oh wow lol >w> I'm officially a senior otaku!!!
whoooo, I didn't see that coming XD but its awesome!
lol i don't know XD


Today is going to be lame-I have to go to school 2 hours early!!! I don't want to, its a freaking pain in the butt. Oh well, ill find a corner to sleep in xD

what do you think of me? (answer plz :3)

~What if~
● I died:
● I kissed you:
● I fell:
● I lived next door to you:
● I showed up at your house unexpectedly:
● I stole something:
● I was murdered:
● I cried:
● I asked you to marry me:
● I was hospitalized:

~Would you~
● Trust me enough to sleep in the same bed as me?:
● Keep a secret if I told you one?:
● Hold my hand?:
● Study with me?:
● Cook for me?:
● Love me?:
● Date me?:
● Have sex with me?: <---- o.O wtf

● When and how did we meet?:
● Describe me in three words:
● What was your first impression of me?:
● What do you think of me now?:
● What reminds you of me?:
● Could you see us together forever?:
● Whens the last time you saw me?:
● Are you gonna re-post this to see what I say about you?:
