Tohru Honda and the Sohma family believed the curse had been broken. Only now it appears to have returned to the Sohma family. The new God keeps the zodiac under lock and key. They are not to leave the estate or their God's side til the day they die. All they have is one another, but something calls to them beyond the cold walls of the Sohma estate. The call of freedom, of love, of having a chance at a normal life. Can they break free?

~[.::Zodiac Profiles::.]~

~[.::Nonzodiac Profiles::.]~


{->Zodiac Application<-}

{->Nonzodiac Application<-}



(.:~>>HELP LINK<<~:.)


[//Story Thus Far//]

{{{[News and Such]}}}


First Day Outside

Madoka had gotten ready for going to school nervously. He knew it would be his last year, seeing as he was 18, but that didn’t change the fact that he still had to go. He was hopeful that he’d be able to hang out with some of the other Zodiacs that would be attending, but he wasn’t good at socializing and stuttered everything he said in a conversation unless he was comfortable. Not to mention he was also always mistaken for a girl.
When he’d finally arrived at the school, he’d waved to some of the Zodiacs as they’d passed by, but he didn’t say anything to them. What could he say? He’d gone to his class and sat in the back, hiding in the corner, until he’d noticed Anora. He sighed in relief. So there was someone he knew that was in the family. He made his way over to Anora and quietly (almost inaudibly) said, “Hello Anora. It’s nice to see someone I know in my class.”
Naoki had gotten ready for his job after the meeting had ended. It was a simple job, one that required very little menial work. He was working as a cashier at a small convenience store nearby the apartment that he and Madoka would be staying at so that he wouldn’t have to walk far. He didn’t have enough money for a car. There was no way he would be able to ever afford one, so he chose a job that he could walk to.
It was a silent job for the most part. Not a lot of people were in the store whenever he was working. Most people were at work or at school if they were students. It suited him fine, he thought. Although he had no problems communicating with people most of the time, he was easily offended and irritated, so limited exposure to people was a good thing.


If anybody would like to jump in that would be much appreciated... ;A;

Naoki Sohma

I'm finally posting a picture of Naoki...Chibi-ish style because I'm too lazy to do anything else... >_>



Naoki had stalled at the house, not wanting to go in and face the possible wrath of Kanayuki for leaving the place so quickly. Knowing that he was so easily angered, he did not want to know how he would react over his leaving, let alone how he would treat his child hood friend, Madoka, for having invited Naoki to leave and live with him. It would be a problem.
The two Zodiac walked down and entered the building heading down the halls to the room they would be having the meeting in. Who knew how it would go, let alone what Kanayuki would tell them.


Madoka was a nervous wreck. He knew that Kanayuki was furious with all the members for wanting to leave the house. He was terrified of the man and had no doubts that he would get violent if angered too much. He knew that most of the Zodiac would do nothing to defy him if they couldn’t and that they typically were also afraid, which did nothing to help ease his nerves.
‘I hope this doesn’t go over too badly…’ he thought, paling at the thought of being abused or shouted at.

Didn't know what to put... >_> Don't know if anyone wants to jump in and interact with any of my characters...

Hope gained and lost


Naoki had just gotten his stuff all to Madoka’s apartment when he received a call on his (old and crappy) cell phone. Noticing the caller I.D., he knew it was from the main house. Knowing that he couldn’t ignore the call, he answered and listened. “Oy, Madoka! I got a call from the main house. They said that ‘god’ called a meeting for all of us to attend. It’s not an option…”
He hung up and frowned. For a meeting that everyone was required to attend…What was that supposed to be about?”


Madoka walked into the room that Naoki would be living in. “Really? I wonder why…I hope it’s nothing serious, like our freedom being taken away after all…” He shuddered and clutched the bottom of his shirt with his hands. “I-I don’t want to go back. Kanayuki-sama is so scary…”
Madoka frowned and pursed his lips when Naoki started laughing. “Why are you laughing?! It’s not funny! It’s true!” He protested bitterly. “He’s very cold and harsh and he treats us all like objects; like we’re his possessions!”
“I suppose that’s true,” was the somber reply. “But it’s not like we can do anything about it.”
“But the curse was broken before, right? How do you know that it can’t happen again?” Madoka asked quietly, his gray eyes shining with hope. “Maybe we can be free!”
“Madoka, I don’t mean to be cruel or anything, but you’re being too optimistic. It might have gone, but it came back. If we get rid of it by some miraculous way, how do we know that it won’t come back?” Naoki countered, his gaze darkening as he eyed Madoka slowly.
Madoka looked at the ground, his hope cracking a little. “I suppose you’re right.”
Naoki sighed and walked over to pat the black-haired teen on the shoulder. “Let’s just go and get this over with, okay?”
Madoka nodded and followed Naoki out the front door.


Naoki had been relieved to hear the news that the Zodiac was allowed to leave for a year. Even if for such a short time it would be worth it. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with himself. He’d only graduated from school a year ago and hadn’t decided if he was going to get a job. He couldn’t go to college. College lasted several years, not a single year. He sighed and looked at the few boxes he had packed. He didn’t own much. He couldn’t afford to own much. He sighed and walked outside his room, setting the boxes down by the door.
“So, what are your plans for your year of freedom?"
Naoki turned and eyed my brethren Zodiac member, Shino. Giving an awkward smile, the orange-eyed blond replied, “I’m not quite sure at the moment. I don’t know what to do with myself, except maybe to get a job. I tend to piss people off though, so I don’t know if I could get through an interview. Madoka is kind enough to let me share his place with him, but he’s a bit shy so it’s hard to talk to such a quiet guy.” He looked down at the boxes again and frowned. “And a single year is such a short time. I don’t know what ‘god’ expects us to do with such little time. But how about you, my doggy friend? What have you got planned for yourself?”

Thank you to Yaoilover223AB for acknowledging my character, Naoki. XD Here's my failed response.