Hey, I'm a new viewer of your work and I love it! Shadow Lands is awesome! (I was the first person to comment on it. That's cool, I guess. I'm sure other people will comment on it soon.)
As for the school remark, I just graduated this year and I'll be in college in the fall. Seniors do get special treatment. ^^
Hi Momo-chan!! X3 sorry i can't subscribe or sign this account!! 'cause 4 some reason i can't sign or subscribe people sometimes...but if i could i would!! XD
-nena :3
Kaijin Kinuma
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/20/08 | Reply
Hey, I'm a new viewer of your work and I love it! Shadow Lands is awesome! (I was the first person to comment on it. That's cool, I guess. I'm sure other people will comment on it soon.)
As for the school remark, I just graduated this year and I'll be in college in the fall. Seniors do get special treatment. ^^
Otakuite | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
lol, thats okay =D *casually hides suspicious looking object*
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
lol... wow i'm only a freshman and why wont the emotes work! anyway happy summer for ever1! pretend this is a yearbook of yours! h.a.g.s!
Otakuite | Posted 05/20/08 | Reply
... ima senior ~.~ lol, *shakes fist back* =D
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/18/08 | Reply
Hi Momo-chan!! X3 sorry i can't subscribe or sign this account!! 'cause 4 some reason i can't sign or subscribe people sometimes...but if i could i would!! XD
-nena :3