um when the video comes on and there are two girls in the back? the short one is saki.
and i do like perfume. but i find their dances to be mostly hilarious for some reason. although i do really like one room disco, if only because they way the say disco is cool.
Oooh awesome. <33 Which one's Saki? I think they're all great dancers, lol. XD Looks like fun to dance like that. They're good. Do you like Perfume? I think they're AWESOME dancers. <3 One Room Disco pwns all~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/06/09 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
yeah she definitely has a natural gift for dancing.
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/05/09 | Reply
Saaaakkkkiiiii!!!! Why is she sooo good at dancing!? Have you seen Dakishimete Dakishimete's dance version!? Just watching her...O.O
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
um when the video comes on and there are two girls in the back? the short one is saki.
and i do like perfume. but i find their dances to be mostly hilarious for some reason. although i do really like one room disco, if only because they way the say disco is cool.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
Oooh awesome. <33 Which one's Saki? I think they're all great dancers, lol. XD Looks like fun to dance like that. They're good. Do you like Perfume? I think they're AWESOME dancers. <3 One Room Disco pwns all~