thanks. it comes from being a hello project fan. they're no boys there at all. but recently i'm getting into the all boys johnnys, although the fandom over there at live journal atleast is pretty scary. and by pretty i mean a lot.
also i fully intend to make the trip over to your MyO today to comment.
Last edited by Zeit at 3:08:29 AM EDT on June 1, 2009.
Nice song. <3 I've actually never heard of them. O__o; You really love your all girl groups, ne? Lol.
I went back to your other page when you shared Kalafina's Aria. It was so cool seeing that live. <33 I've never seen any of Kajiura's works live, so it was cool. XD I loved their pretty outfits. *__*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/01/09 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
thanks. it comes from being a hello project fan. they're no boys there at all. but recently i'm getting into the all boys johnnys, although the fandom over there at live journal atleast is pretty scary. and by pretty i mean a lot.
also i fully intend to make the trip over to your MyO today to comment.
Last edited by Zeit at 3:08:29 AM EDT on June 1, 2009.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 05/31/09 | Reply
Nice song. <3 I've actually never heard of them. O__o; You really love your all girl groups, ne? Lol.
I went back to your other page when you shared Kalafina's Aria. It was so cool seeing that live. <33 I've never seen any of Kajiura's works live, so it was cool. XD I loved their pretty outfits. *__*