haha. you can check your world post count in the world tab if you can the will to find your world. but i know where mine is alphabetically so it doesn't take long.
i used to post about my life way back when on MyO but since that kind of died for me i stick to the videos now
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
haha. you can check your world post count in the world tab if you can the will to find your world. but i know where mine is alphabetically so it doesn't take long.
i used to post about my life way back when on MyO but since that kind of died for me i stick to the videos now
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
Fun, really energetic song~~ I like it! Wow, and sooo many people there at the concert! *__*
250?? Wow! That's a lot! How did you keep count? Lol. And it's amazing how...all of them are just vids! XD I wonder about YOUR life, haha.
Take care~