so, I'm finally back, after a looong break :]
and it's Dei's turn *0*
1.-This comic is anti Sakura & anti Akatsuki x Sakura, so.. if you like Sakura or AkaSaku, and want to say how stupid this is, don't you worry, I already know..
2.-Please don't ask me why do I hate Sakura
3.-This comic is probably nonsense and retarded xD
4.-if you want to say how immature I am, you don't have to, I know that pretty well
5.-thanks to the people who supports this comics!!
but, most important... SPREAD THE AKASAKU HATE!!
Anti Akatsuki x Sakura
Anti- HidanSaku
[brushes used here belong to their respective creators. I take no credits]
Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto
pd.- the explosion looks like a popcorn, don't you think? xDDD
it's totally EPIC FAIL