moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Kiss Meme: Gabe and Stefan

Kiss Meme: Gabe and Stefan
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AUGH! Meme! Undetailedly weird.

Hi there. I thought I'd give this kiss meme a shot since I don't get much practice drawing kissing. xD; I actually started this last year. In like October or something. And then I finished today. The reason I took so long was because I'm lazy, but also because I was nervous about attempting to draw the War's End kiss. But because it's the only one of these drawings that I referenced, I think it actually came out the best. xD;

BAH. Kissing is so hard to draw. I'm kind of wary about uploading this on theO because of the seduction kiss. ._. I was thinking of censoring it, but idk exactly how I'd censor it... maybe I should just take it out completely? But idk, I've seen worse things.

I'm imagining that my subscribers are starting to get annoyed with me uploading Gabe x Stefan stuff because I do post a fair amount of the two of them in my world. xD; AHEH...
My bad.

By the way, I totally know the Spiderman kiss is totally not exactly like the real Spiderman kiss. I JUST WANTED TO DRAW IT MY WAY, OKAY? ;A;

DEDICATED TO ARCTICWULF... because I remember talking about this to her months ago. |D Yeeahhh... Have some Gabe and Stefan and kissie-kissie. :B

Download for the bigger view. :o The full view is on my deviantart.
Original meme by insanity-24-7 on dA.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
bl, gabe, kiss, kiss meme, mwah, shounen ai, smoochie smooch, stefan, yeah
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