Well here is one of several drawings I wanted to finish before I start my self study. XD They are taking a Best Ink marathon right now and it kinda motivated me to finish this. lol
A while ago I was kinda going through a Red Panda Phase where I was just adoring those cute little furballs to the point that I actually draw one. XD
I posted the sketch to this a long time ago and I barely finished the drawing today. :P
anyways I didn't really use outlines for this, I just went ahead and colored straight through with my markers, after everything was finished, I went back with my brush pen to make my Red Panda pop.
For the background, I kinda did something a little different, I used the Crayola airbrush thingy to airbrush the leaf base, and then used my marker to blob in the more leaves.
It was my first time using the AirBrush thingy, and I feel like I need more practice with it, and also need to figure how to not get big color blobs on the drawing. oTL other then that it was fun and I shall try to use it more in the future! XD
Dedicate to MangaKid since she drew me a Red Panda a while back! XD so now my turn. lol
also this image was made up in my head, I only referenced the fur pattern of the Red Panda.