Kurihara Akane Love for Japan

Hello guys.. how are you? how have you been?

I saw recently that TheO has become soooo quite, it's actually make me sad..
This site used to be a very fun place to visit.. the people here are so nice, and the site itself is so great.
So, in order to make this place a fun place again.. I have decided to make a challenge for you ^^

Are you ready??

before I state my rule, I will explain to you why I decided to give the name of this challenge "Love for Japan"
Anime & Manga that we love come from Japan, but beside them.. there are some things that I also love from Japan.. they are "Japan traditonal clothes (Kimono/Yukata) and "Sakura Tree"
So, what I want you to do is making 2 iPad/iPhone wallpaperss, where each wallpaper has one of these themes (sakura tree & yukata/kimono)


1. each person who submit works to this challenge has to submit min. 2 entries, where the first entry has "Sakura tree/petal" theme/image, and the second one has character who wear Kimono/yukata
2. give a link to all resource scan, texture, or anything that you used in the description.
3. HD quality images, I want to see some of your efforts in this challenge. I don't want to see you just download the image, resize it, and give some words. It's not called making wallpaper, it's called editing.
4. Make sure your wallpaper fit with the proper standard of iPhone/iPad wallpaper, just to be clear please read this guidance. I don't want you to make a wallpaper without the right angle that cant fit with the right image of iPhone/iPad wallpaper.
5.Use an official resources in your wallpaper, if I see that you use fan art without the artist permission/it's not legally published.. sorry, but I will delete your entry.
6.I appreciate it if you dedicate the wallpaper to me, but if you don't do it.. it's fine :)
7. Follow all TheOtaku rules.
8. If you have any question, drop comment on the comment below.
9. You have 2months to complete this challenge.
10. HAVE A LOT OF FUN!!!!!

I am looking forward to see your effort on this challenge, so to boost your mood.. I have prepare some prize for you ^^

1st Place: 3wallpaper (Dekstop/iPad/iPhone) + 2 e-cards + 10icons + a gift
2nd Place: 2wallpaper (Dekstop/iPad/iPhone) + 1 e-cards + 5icons + a gift
3rd Place: 2wallpaper (Dekstop/iPad/iPhone) + 1 e-cards + a gift

Have fun all



1st winner: ElementalNinja
2nd winner: Crimson-Rose
3rd winner: SoAnime

please message me about the request of the prize according to your rank, I would wait until ONE MONTH.. if after one month you don't message me about your reqest of the prize then your prize will be gone

to all of you who have entered my challenge, thank you for your participation on my challenge.. I truly appreciate it :)

7 members Favoritefavorite
beloved blood CelestialSushi ElfDuchess zombieusagi Hanako Sho Sexaintbetter1122
Other Internet
18 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Blooming Petal ~ElementalNinja
Under the Cherry Tree ~
Girl on the Tree ~
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