Heyo everyone~!
I just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who participated in my last challenge (which was an ecard "An image within an image"). I had a lot of amazing entires-it truly was a challenge to choose the winners (and I felt bad afterwards because they were all great, so I ended up giving everyone a prize) ;D
Alright about this challenge.
I don't think anyone has done this yet, so we'll see how this goes~~
I should warn you that this is truly a challenge (so have endurance people!).
Because it's about you life. What you like, what you don't like. What/who helps you through the tough times. Your emotions, your feelings, your hobbies, your friends, your beleifs. All of that and more makes up what you call 'your life'. To make something about your personal life, I find can be challenging sometimes, so that is the first part to of the challenge.
The other part?
It's, like the title says, a marathon. That means this challenge (which ends in one month) is only the FIRST part to the challenge.
There will likely be 12 partsto this overall challenge, one for every month.
See how the title says "Wallpaper Marathon I?" Well next month it'll say "Wallpaper Marathon II", etc.
This means that over the course of the whole marathon challenge, you will be submitting 12 entires. Each challenge might have different winners (so don't give up)!
So that's why it's really a challenge!
Does that even make sense? D:
Rules (cause you gotta have 'em)
~Only ONE submission for each indiviual challenge. "Wallpaper Marathon I" will have one entry, then "Wallpaper Marathon II" will have another. Each part of the marathon will have a theme (this one is posted at the end of the page)
~Explain how the wallpaper relates to your life. Just a short explaination will do. :D
~Please have your signature (be proud of your works! >:D)
~You don't have to dedicate it to me.
~If you decide to par take in this challenge, you will be required to continue for the duration of the year. I guess that's pretty obvious, but just putting it out there. ;D
~Adding based on the above, that means ANYONE can join!
~Due to life (and because of life) if there is a serious situation where you cannot par take in a certain month(s), please let me know as soon as you are able to. You will not be penalized.
~It might sound like a drag, and hard work, but it's supposed to be fun and exciting. You can use this challenge to reflect and see how much you're growing with each month. So please give it a try, show that you can do a year round challenge!!!!
First place: 3 Wallies
Second place: 2 Wallies
Thrid place: 1 Wallie
Everyone will recieve a gift for entering~!
*Please note: that these prizes are only for the first month of the challenge, they change every month!
I think that's it?
Did I sucessfully manage to confuse you even more? XD
For those who I have invited, you don't have to par take, but I'd love it if you did~
P.S I'd really really love/appreciate it if you could leave a comment and told me what you thought of this challenge...I was trying to be unique, but maybe I'm just epically failing/confusing people =3=
EDIT: I think I have come to the conclusion (with the great advice from Felcie) to choose themes for each part of the challenge.
The first part theme will be YOUR GREATEST STRENGTH e.g. what you're really good at, sports, school subjects, art, drawing, writing, making people laugh