misachan83 Be My Bad Boy (or Girl)

Hello again everyone!

So beings my last challenge went well and was fun (and due to lack of other challenges in wallpapers at this time), I decided to go ahead and post my second challenge. Honestly, it's a lot of fun seeing what everyone comes up with, and why not drum up a little more activity around here?

So my challenge is pretty basic. What I want is for you to create a wallpaper based on your favorite bad boy or bad girl character. How do you consider them to be "bad" (as in awesome), and what about them makes you love them so? A few examples of characters I really like that could fall under such a title (You don't have to use them. They're only a tiny reference for this):

Zero Kiryuu from Vampire Knight
Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho
Takumi Usui from Maid-sama
Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji
Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh
Major Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell
Saber from Fate/Zero
Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena
Shinoa Hiragi from Owari No Seraph

These are only a few of mine, but you get the idea


1. You can use any anime/manga/game that you choose.

2. Please link all of your sources.

3. You may enter as many times as you like (considering there's a good, wide pool of characters to choose from).

4. Please be sure to tell me in the description about what you think makes this character bada$$ and why they're (one) of your favorites.

5. As always, please follow the rules of the O.

As before, I will have prizes for the winners (cause everybody loves prizes, right?):

1st Place: 2 wallpapers, 2 iphone wallpapers
2nd Place: 1 wallpaper, 1 iphone wallpaper
3rd Place: 1 wallpaper

All participants also get a gift!

Of course, last but not least, remember to have fun! You have two months, and I hope to once again see some awesome entries!

5 members Favoritefavorite
Ella chan SK19 Darkreaper19 Kaerlyn ClockworkKitten
Other Anime and Manga
12 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Bad Girls Go Everywhere ~Darkarax
road to { D A W N } ~Rainbow Dragon
Ruby Rose ~SK19
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