innocent heart (Wallpaper Portfolio) A Silver Lining

A Silver Lining
1024x768 | 800x600

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Sorry, I know this wallpaper is a bit simple but I wanted to make on that is effective and inspirational. This is Flonne, one of my favorite anime characters. It was extracted by ShadowLinex and the background I don't know where it is from, but I changed the colors on it and made it lighter.

To be honest, my mood right now isn't the best. I have a terrible headache and I know I'm getting sick. Also not to mention that I'm having friend drama right now, dealing with the problems of my own. -__- So I apologize for not being on that much, again. I'm sure you all are getting sick of me saying that. I hope you are all doing well though and just know that I love you guys very much. You're all a bright spot in my life. ^_^ *hugs*

This is dedicated to my very dear friend Deb, Kittenlark. Thank you for everything. When I was down, not only did you give me two gifts but you sent me a message asking how I was^^ That means so much to me and you're an incredibly sweet friend. God Bless you. *hugs*

Remember, if you have a cloud in your life, don't give up for it has a silver lining behind it. ^_^

Take care

Disgaea Wallpapers
angel, clouds, cute, disgaea, flonne, inspirational, light, sky
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