innocent heart (Wallpaper Portfolio) Totemo Kawaii!

Totemo Kawaii!
1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Totemo Kawaii! = Very Cute

- Resources can be found on wallpaper
- Artist is Closet Child

Hello there Everyone! ^_^ Haha, yes it is another wallpaper! Sorry but I found a lot of wonderful scans by this artist(who I just happen to ♥ her art) and have really been in the mood to make wallpapers^^; But I love reading all of your comments and thank you for your support on them. *bows* *hugs* You're all wonderful^^

Eh, today was kind of a...down day for me^^; I just feel a little down in the dumps I guess you could say. XD I had my psychiatrist appointment today and kind of having friend problems at the same time...and yeah, I won't go in detail about it here but I will probably right a MyO post later on tonight. So if you can, or have the time, please read it. Thank you very much. *hugs* So yeah, I wanted to make a cheerful, cute wallpaper^^ Added some rainbow texture and some cute brushes, and yay! We have ourselves a wallie! XD

Dedicated to Sax-Chan, SaxGirl who is cuter than cake! XD Right Sax-Chan? *huggles* Thank you for being a positive, supportive friend to me and for always trying your best to smile and be happy^^ You keep on being that way! *hugs* Best of luck to your schoolwork and to school in general^^ You can do it! *hugs*

Thank you so much for viewing, it means the world to me! ^_^ Take care and have a sunshiny day! *hugs* ^_^

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
adorable, closet child, cute, flowers, girl, hearts, kawaii, rainbow, sweets
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