innocent heart (Wallpaper Portfolio) Misunderstood

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Wow it is 3 AM...I'm sleepy. Lol. I started on this at about 12:30 so yeah, it has been a while. It took a long time trying to find the textures and funny enough, I found all the ones on the same site. And then the same goes for the brushes.

I found this image on and I instantly fell in love with. It is an incredibly beautiful image. I will show you the original image down below. I really used to love Fruits Basket and still do, but it got WAY too dramatic for its own good so I stopped reading the manga. Anyway, I do love the characters very much so! So I made a wall with this image! XD It had about 15 layers, used about 4 different textures, and used the flower/bubbles/butterfly/text/music note brushes. Haha yes did have fun with the brushes! XD

Original Image

This is dedicated to cardcaptorryoko. Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry, I know I'm a day late^^; But I hope you do like Fruits Basket...I believe you do. Anyway thank you for being a good and a longtime friend to me! Sorry for my lack of commenting^^; I hope you like the wall though! :D *hugs*

If you want to see where I found the resources, they are on the wallpaper...I am too lazy and tired to put them up on here. Lol.

I hope you all like it! Have a great day filled with smiles! ^_^ Thank you! ♥

Fruits Basket Wallpapers
akito, beautiful, black, brushes, bubbles, butterflies, creative, flowers, fruits basket, furuba, girls, grunge, light, music, textures, tohru, white
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