Another wallpaper based on one of Emilie Autumn's genius creations, Misery loves Company! ^_^ I love her stuff, I really do! >D I edited the lyrics a little bit... if you know the song and can't tell.
Render from... PlanetRenders... not finding it though, since apparently Planet Renders died.
Brushes from Obsidian Dawn and either or I'm not sure... and I forget which one's the NET and which is the COM because I'm dumb xD
Time: 35 Minutes
Layers: DON'T ASK.
Hugs/Favs/Comments/Feedback ALL loved and damn well APPRECIATED! :D
Background is once again all made by me. This is lots of fun >D And, this story behind this wallpaper is that this dreamer dreams of being in the clouds, but she's never be able to come back, so therefore she'd be alone, and miserable. So, her and her bird cages, feel trapped, and restrained. Key for teh misery.
Btw, the render actually is ginormous, and I kept the render the same, but shrunk the canvas to make her look bigger without screwing with distorted images :D You know... I should try looking into scans... nah.