^_^ This is actually my first scan I've used... and put brushes on it... I've used them in the past... when they were suckish and had no redeeming qualities >.< Well... [CLICK] for scan
Song is Lolita by Emilie Autumn... and the beginning reminded me of a broken carasol... and then... I happened upon this scan at Zerochan! I don't like that site... it's confusing... >.<
Brushes from Aethreality, Brusheezy, and Brush King. There's probably some from another few sites... but... I used to be able to tell by the names... since Aethereality had, Aethereality in the name, and Obsidian Dawn had SS in front of it. Buuuuuuuut now it's just confusing... >.<
Time: 20 Minutes
Layers: 6
Hugs/Favs/Comments/Feedback are ALL loved and DAMN WELL APPRECIATED! :D
^_^ Dedicated to the girl who likes to freak about Lolita's like me xDD ChibiSasuke~ *hugs her* She's so nice to me.