xaos (Wallpaper Portfolio) Aya Kobayashi

Aya Kobayashi
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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I know I said it would be a late gift but I didn't expect it to be this late. :| Anyway, I said on my wall for sleepinglionheart that Heh, maybe because their sisters I'll make a wall of Aya for cloud55strife So here is a wall of Aya.

Aya is Mai's sister (not by blood) and is the captain of the SRX team. The team that pilots the three robots that combine to form the super robot SRX. She pilots the R3 (the humanoid robot on the left) and later the R3 powered (the robot flying) in canon. Aya is a psychodriver (like another SRX member Ryusei) and because of that her robot has abilities that basically only she can do like tk strike shields where she controls them all with pinpoint accuracy using her psychic powers. Aya and Mai have this power called "T-Link Twin Contact" when the SRX is formed and with that power do the SRX's really powerful move the HTB Cannon.

Like the rest of my walls this is made for widescreen so full screen sizes and tall widescreen have black bars.

Super Robot Wars Wallpapers
aya, captain, green hair, kobayashi, psychodriver, r3, r3 powered, real, robot, srx, team, tk
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