Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) G.A.M.E.(on)~Judai

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I am such a huge HUGE fan of Judai from Yu-Gi-Oh GX. I really like Judai a lot. He's an awesome character and I can relate to him the most. He's gone through a lot just as I have. I feel like he's my best friend in a sense. I mean I know he isn't a real character or anything but it seems like he's real to me.
Throughout the series of Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Judai goes through a lot. Everything always seem to happen to him. He's been the target of multiple villains who have attacked Duel Academy for one reason for another. Toward the end of the 3rd season, actually in the middle he gets possessed by a dark being known as the Supreme King. He was relentless and evil and his darkness possessed Judai's heart. The reason for this was because Judai thinks he was responsible for killing his friends during this duel thing against this creepy skeleton guy. He felt guilty but their disappearance really wasn't Judai's fault. The doubt and guilt took over him. I just wanted to give Judai a big hug at this moment. I felt really sad for him.
I kind of went through a similar experience with my friends. I didn't understand why they didn't want to be my friend anymore. Actually it was my friend Katie Rockey that decided she didn't want to hang out with me and my friend Alyssa anymore. We've been friends since elementary school. I didn't understand it. She stopped sitting with us at lunch and sat with her "new and better friends." I thought it had something to do with me and of course it hurt my feelings, it still kind of does. But I don't really think about her anymore and now I'm trying to make new friends. I've already made several wonderful friends here on theO. Thank you all for being so awesome.
Judai and I are kind of one in the same in a way. In the beginning of the 4th season of GX he stays to himself because of everything that he's been through and he feels alone. I feel alone a lot. It's hard to find a good friend anymore. But I know I do have some good friends and my mom cares about me too. I know she'll always be there for me. Judai realizes this with his friends and he's ok again. Well he's still kind of withdrawn but not like at the beginning.
I'm sorry about the long description. I just had to tell you how I can relate to Judai. I like him, he's been my favorite character for awhile now and he's awesome. I like Yu-Gi-Oh GX a lot and I think it is a really good anime as all the Yu-Gi-Oh series are. Dedicated to my friend MangaKid for being just a great friend and being there for me. Also dedicated to SakuraLacusSaiyan as a late birthday present. Thanks for being so awesome guys. I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper. Took awhile to make and I'm really proud of it. I love BOKEH!

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
jaden, jaden yuki, judai, yu-gi-oh gx, yuki judai
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