Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) A W a K E <&> ALiVe

A W a K E <&> ALiVe
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Vector

Wallpaper inspired by and screen shots taken from this AMV (song in AMV is "Awake and Alive" by Skillet)

*Will Link background Photos and Collage later

*Made in Photoshop CS5

I made a wallpaper using screenshots from a Sailor Moon amv that I really liked. I made this to show as an example for a challenge I am going to create soon which will involve creating a wallpaper based on an AMV. This is exactly what I did here.

This wallpaper took a little over 3 hours to make. First I had to make a collage from the screen shots I took from the AMV and then I had to decide what the background would be. I settled on using a photo I had taken and one I had found and combined them together, using one as a texture. I was originally trying to place and position some select lyrics from the song that the AMV was set to but it ended up looking too busy so I discarded them.
The collage by itself consists of 42 layers by itself plus the addition of the city photos, that makes 44 layers. Plus when you add the textures I’d say it roughly consists of over 50+ layers or more all together. Overall completion time is 3 to 4 hours.

I made this wallpaper because I was really inspired by this AMV and I loved the song. I tried to focus on key points like the Sailor Senshi getting knocked down and getting back up again. Hence reflecting the “Awake and Alive” theme I tried to reflect here. I felt like making this wallpaper was some kind of catharsis for me. It was a release of some of the pent up feelings I’ve been having. And that no matter how much you get knocked down, I can get back up. That’s what Sailor Moon as a whole made me realize.

I apologize for the long-ish description, but I wanted to try to give everybody an idea of what was going through my mind while I made this. I am very happy with how this turned out. And to be quite honest I am very proud of this wallpaper. It sort of reflects some of my old wallpapers while fusing some of my new skills into it. I keep trying to push myself to create better wallpapers each time and also I try to introduce at least one if not more new technique with each one.

With that being said, I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.

Dedicated to Elemental Ninja

Sailor Moon Wallpapers
ami mizuno, amv, awake and alive, city, determined, makoto kino, minako aino, rei hino, sailor Jupiter, sailor mars, sailor mercury, sailor moon, sailor senshi, sailor venus, screenshots, super sailor moon
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