Betrayal, for a Fraction...?

Aizen: *walks across room, hands folded behind back* It would appear Kita is remembering her past life. As I was hoping she would, however, she has yet to share any of that information with me or her beloved master. *turns quickly*

Gin: *wide grin* Either that or her beloved master is holding out on you as well.

Aizen: *laughs under breath* Ulquiorra? He would never.

Gin: Eh, every man has his weakness. Even you’re very loyal Ulquiorra. Kita has changed him since she entered his life.

Aizen: *narrows eyes thinking of the things Ulquiorra has defied him over because of Kita* It would be his death if he withheld on this.

Gin: I am sure he realizes this. The question is. Does he care? *turns walking from room* well, I will be on my way now. *waves over shoulder*

Aizen: *watches Gin walk away, turns calling for one of the fractions* Loly?

Loly: *bows* Yes, lord Aizen?

Aizen: Find Ulquiorra. Tell him I seek audience with him in my chamber.

Loly: *bows again* Yes, as you demand master. *disappears from room*

Aizen: *narrows eyes again as I think*


  • Betrayel, for a Fraction...? Part 2