SEQUAL!!!!!!!!! (finally...)

Everyone except Cyrus: Fangirls?

Cyrus: -.-

Ikuto: Please let go of-

ALazne: NEVER. <glares sharply at Ikuto>

Ikuto: Or you could just keep hugging me.

Alazne: <smiles> <chills run down everyone except Cryus's spines> Thank you for your cooperation!

Fai: Amazing. That even freaked Kuro-tan here out.

Kurogane: <yelling at Fai> WHAT'D YOU JUST CALL ME?!

Fai: Nothing...

Cyrus: -.- zzz

Sakura: How'd he fall asleep?

Syaoran: I have no idea...

<enter: Yuko and Larg>

Yuko: <smiling brightly> <waving> <carrying big crates of alchohal> Hello! Sorry we're late!

Larg: Soel!

Soel: Larg!

<Mokonas re-unite>

Fai: Well, it's nice to see you again!

Cyrus: -.- zzz

Alazne: <still glomping Ikuto who's gotten used to it> I know, right? And Yuko is here too! <just remembering something> Oh! Yuko!

Yuko: Yes, Alazne-san?

Alazne:<lets go of Ikuto and jumps down> [Ikuto is 17 BTW, so duh he's taller than me]