Nuuu I had to save it as 70 quality and almost all the red parts are pixelated DDDDD: Damn you, red, why do you have to become so pixelated?? *claws at cheeks* DX
Oh well, at least the image is so burnt that it's not even noticeable.
I'm surprised no one's made a card with this idea yet. I mean, come on! The scan was practically begging for it.
Dedicated to you, Lory, because you mentioned you want moar girly cards :P Granted, this isn't girly per se, but it reminds me of you in a way: always daring and wanting to try out new things, both in your artwork and in real life. You're stronger than you think, girl ^_~ *virtual hug*
Texture: InTheName Stock
Fonts: Fortuna Dot, Franklin Gothic Demi
Scan: something like this one, only with some font that I had to remove.
As usual, comments, faves, thumbs up and/or rotten tomatoes are welcome and very appreciated :3