
Title Grand Otaku
Birthday 01/23/95
Member Since 08/20/09
Guestbook 378 signatures
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Gifts LunaInverse: Happy easter!! 8D BabyD: Happy Valentines Day!! X3 fma17: Happy Valentine's Day ;) Morbid Dollie: Happy Valetines! :D yuko9kost: Happy belated B-day!!!^__^ : Happy Birthday! ReiKiba: Happy birthday n have a great day :D X MAGE X: Happy Birthday! :D reichiinya: Happy Birthday! fma17: Happy Birthday! Hope it's awesome ;) KyanChan: Happy Birthday!!! bellpickle: Happy birthday! :) LightFykki: Happy birthday!! ^__^ soldierofthedark: Happy Birthday!! I hope it's awesome! Agasshi : Happy Birthday!! Dark Flame 3479: Happy Birthday! Sabriela Hellena: happy birthday ^u^ noirassasin: merry holidays and a happy new year too fma17: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! ;) Ritona: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! reichiinya: Happy Holidays! Vivianlove: Happy Halloween!!! ^^ fma17: Happy Halloween ^.^ Dark Flame 3479: Happy Halloween!~ :D : Have an awesome halloween! <3 : Have a spooktacular halloween Felcie: Happy Halloween~!! Ritona: Happy Halloween, Timmy! josephine12cute: Thanks for entering 'Within Borders' :"> kita mikichi: Congrats on Your Promotion! ^^ Vivianlove: Love for October <3 cheriepy: Thankies~ noirassasin: Thanx 4 the gift! This one is belated. : thank you Dark Flame 3479: Congrats on winning the bonus round!~ ;D Blue Latte: Congrats for winning!!!! :) Hevn: Thanks, for wishing me happy b-day. :) diamond9393anda: Thank you for entering my challenge ^^ Miss Lily: Thank you too ;) : your welcome!  *^-^*  wanna cupcake? fma17: Just cause:) You are awesome!! Kurihara Akane: Thank you for the subscribe ^_^ Yammi chan: Happy Easter =^___~= xNotUnderstood: Birds are cooler then rabbits *shot* kikkima: Happy Easter :D Hevn: Have A Happy Easter!!!^_^ LunaInverse: Happy easter sweetie <3~ : Happy Easter! :3 Felcie: Happy Easter !! x) diamond9393anda: Thanks~Happy Easter to u 2 ^^ animegirl171: Happy Easter to you too ~ :) ShiningHime: Happy Easter Canpy-San! (: : Happy Easter!!! Blue Latte: Happy Easter!! :D ecnelisterger: Happy Easter!!!! rosel D: Happy Easter! :D fma17: Happy Easter! :D Ritona: Happy Easter, Tim! Morbid Dollie: Enjoy the chocolate~~ Morbid Dollie: Happy Easter!!! diamond9393anda: Thank you  :) !! Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's day! kikkima: happy V-day ^_^ Ritona: Happy Valentine's Day! Blue Latte: Congrats on winning the third place PandaChanX3: Happy Happy Birthday ! X3 LunaInverse: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a nice day <3 Air-Dragon: Happy belated birthday! Alicie: Happy B-day! ItachiSasuke: Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one izsah: Oh Tim! Have a Marvelous Bday to u! sim94: Happy BirthDay! :) belletoile: Happy happy Birthday � KrondorianV: Happy B-day!!! ^_^ Morbid Dollie: Happy Birthday! :D : Happy B-Day!!! hope it's awesome! : happy bday!! =D sweetdevil: Happy birthday!~ *hugs* : Happy birthday,wish you all the best! <3 AnnaKanda: Happy Birthday! Hope it's great!!! XD ForgottenAngel1: Happy Birthday 2 U!!!!!!! reichiinya: Hope you enjoy your birthday pockey! Felcie: Happy Birthday !! x) scoodi: Happy B-Day! :D nin-chaz: happy birthday! CDCDCD89: Happy birthday! Quiet Noise: Happy  b-day my friend! ^______^ Yammi chan: Happy Birthday!!! ^___^ Murder Princess: Merry Christmas!!! ^o^ reichiinya: Happy Holidays! Morbid Dollie: I hope your day is great! Morbid Dollie: Happy Holidays! Quiet Noise: I wish u Happy Holidays my friend! ^^ ElementalNinja: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ^^ diamond9393anda: Merry Christmas ^_^! kikkima: merry Christmas!! ShiningHime: Happy New Year & Merry Christmas! :3 xNotUnderstood: thank you 4 working hard in my challenge : Thanks for the gift.. scoodi: Happy [belated] Halloween~! :D Yakumo Star17: thanks Quiet Noise: have a happy Halloween *muhahaha*... Morbid Dollie: Happy Halloween! KrondorianV: Happy Halloween 2 u 2! Blue Latte: Happy Halloween Felcie: Happy Halloween !! 8D Lero lero lero XD ShiningHime: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :3 KrondorianV: thanks for entering my challenge! : Always keep on writing~ : Congratulations (VK Challenge) noirassasin: Eat an ice cream w/ me and be friends :) simplebeast231: You got it right! WHOOP!!! simplebeast231: You found a riddles answer! Great Job! Pantalaimon1467: Thanks for 70 entries to my challenge!=D belletoile: Thanks for entering my challenge!! : For all your special notes~ diamond9393anda: Thanks for the strawberry & sub! ^^ reichiinya: thank u so much for the gift! : cupcake 4 u �0�!! Mocha chan: Thanks for the gift! *sends cute thing* : Have a HAPPY HOLIDAYS ~<3 itemilicious: thank you!! stinamuffin: love your work! keep it up! :D : Chocolate pocky for you :) xNotUnderstood: For doing ur best!! Mistress Amoranta: Yay, thanks for the gift and subing back Felcie: Eat ice cream a lot during summer ! =3 xNotUnderstood: To tame the Turtle dragon!XD : A puppy dog for you~ kikkima: I sub to you! hope we can b friends? ^_< Gemnote7: Meow Meow Meow, cats eat Tim =3 Felcie: Featured Fandom Queen *__* !! SakuraDust: Good guess >3 izsah: Congrats Timcanpy14! You got it too! ^o^ : A rose for making me smile. MidnightNobody: UR E-CARDS R AWSOME!!! ElementalNinja: To another fellow DGM Fan! XD Felcie: Thanks! Happy Valentine's Day too! <3 Ritona: Thank you! Have a happy V-day! <3 : Happy Valitines Day! narutofangirl8: heres a slice of bday cake!! AdiosXDKokobongo: Thx for the warm  welcome meirin: happy birthday!!!^_^ Ritona: Happy Birthday! :D Karorin: Happy Birthday!!~ ElementalNinja: Happy-Happy Brithday! xD : HAPPY BIRTHDAY:):) Gaby4646: Happy Birthday!! ^ ^ hitori mitsuki: happy birthday! =D aurora witch: Happy birthday :) : hi im estelle hope we can be friends Felcie: Thanks for all your lovely comments!^^ xNotUnderstood: Your an awesome friend!thanks buddy! meirin: hope u can stil rmmbr me;Happy New year! Support KIRA: For being so kind! ^^ narutofangirl8: happy holidays! xNotUnderstood: Thanks for being cool and my friend killua2512: Merry Xmas to you!! nin-chaz: 2nd place winner
Trophy Case Fan Art Trophy Wallpapers Trophy Fan Comics Trophy Cards Trophy Quizzes Trophy Comments Trophy
Medals Creator - Reminiscence Contestant - Challenge: Because I\'m stupid Winner - Challenge: CLOSEUP Winner - Challenge: Not all of it. Contestant - Challenge: Lyrics in a Card. Contestant - Challenge: AMV\'s Tribute 2! Contestant - Challenge: Smile, it’s the {apocalypse} Contestant - Challenge: color palettes. Contestant - Challenge: Pushing the limits Contestant - Challenge: Within Borders Contestant - Challenge: weather you like it. Contestant - Challenge: School Days Contestant - Challenge: My Favorite Reason Contestant - Challenge: Tell Me More Contestant - Challenge: Plushies Contestant - Challenge: back to the 80\'s. Contestant - Challenge: Breast Cancer Awareness Challenge Contestant - Challenge: Say my words, sing my song Winner - Challenge: A Movie Poster Winner - Challenge: Magic in the Air Winner - Challenge: mixed messages. Contestant - Challenge: OH GOD NO! Contestant - Challenge: EDITS EDITS EDITS. Contestant - Challenge: Everyone has a { secret } Contestant - Challenge: April Showers bring May Flowers Contestant - Challenge: April Showers bring May Flowers Winner - Challenge: Bad guys Winner - Challenge: -Quote that Book- Contestant - Challenge: ♥~PRAY FOR JAPAN~♥ Contestant - Challenge: Retrospect! Contestant - Challenge: Megane Contestant - Challenge: Megane Contestant - Challenge: I want something REAL!!! Contestant - Challenge: animal KINGdom Contestant - Challenge: animal KINGdom Winner - Challenge: sweet Thing Winner - Challenge: Don\'t Judge A Book By Its Cover Contestant - Challenge: For the Mods Contestant - Challenge: the forbidden dance. Winner - Challenge: Fashion Frenzy!! Contestant - Challenge: the hardest wallpaper I ever made... Winner - Challenge: All Things Creepy! Halloween Fun. Contestant - Challenge: Who is your Devil? Contestant - Challenge: a novel idea. Winner - Challenge: Magazine Diva Winner - Challenge: anything you want! Contestant - Challenge: More lyrics Contestant - Challenge: Walk, walk Fashion Baby! Contestant - Challenge: Your Life\'s Quote In A Card Contestant - Challenge: Revamp Epicness Contestant - Challenge: Show me the Ladies. Contestant - Challenge: Lyrics Contestant - Challenge: Lyrics Contestant - Challenge: Lyrics Contestant - Challenge: feed the Senses Contestant - Challenge: don\'t let time pass you by. Contestant - Challenge: The not so popular Winner - Challenge: Otaku Host Club Contestant - Challenge: Strawberry Surprise Contestant - Challenge: Strawberry Surprise Contestant - Challenge: What\'s your soul connected  to Contestant - Challenge: The Welcome to TheOtaku Contest! Contestant - Challenge: The Welcome to TheOtaku Contest! Winner - Challenge: Vampire Knight eCard Challenge Contestant - Challenge: Make any Wallie you want :3 Contestant - Challenge: Make any Wallie you want :3 Contestant - Challenge: Make any Wallie you want :3 Contestant - Challenge: Personalize Your Card Contestant - Challenge: Seriously Cool! Contestant - Challenge: **Boys Like Girls** Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: ~ Word Art ~ Contestant - Challenge: Students of the Night Class Contestant - Challenge: Sing me a Song Contestant - Challenge: Sing me a Song Contestant - Challenge: Accent With Color Contestant - Challenge: make me LOLROTFLMAO Contestant - Challenge: make me LOLROTFLMAO Contestant - Challenge: Funny Misquote Contestant - Challenge: BISHIE!!! Contestant - Challenge: BISHIE!!! Contestant - Challenge: Team Spirit Contestant - Challenge: Give Me More Colors!! Contestant - Challenge: Give Me More Colors!! Contestant - Challenge: Resolution Revolution! Contestant - Challenge: Have fun with FLOWERS!! Contestant - Challenge: Have fun with FLOWERS!! Contestant - Challenge: Have fun with FLOWERS!! Contestant - Challenge: in. your. dreams. Contestant - Challenge: in. your. dreams. Contestant - Challenge: **Lovers in Summer** Contestant - Challenge: **Lovers in Summer** Contestant - Challenge: GO GREEN!! Contestant - Challenge: GO GREEN!! Winner - Challenge: MAKE A FUNNY ECARD!! Contestant - Challenge: White Haired Contestant - Challenge: White Haired Contestant - Challenge: White Haired Contestant - Challenge: Just Black and White Contestant - Challenge: Just Black and White Creator - Do you love to laugh? Contestant - Challenge: Ciel Phantomhive Contestant - Challenge: Ciel Phantomhive Contestant - Challenge: Memories Contestant - Challenge: Imogen inspiration. Contestant - Challenge: Love Theme Contestant - Challenge: Love Theme Contestant - Challenge: Spring time wallpapers Contestant - Challenge: Spring time wallpapers Contestant - Challenge: FOOD!!! Contestant - Challenge: FOOD!!! Contestant - Challenge: FOOD!!! Contestant - Challenge: FOOD!!! Contestant - Challenge: ғree cнallange™ Contestant - Challenge: ғree cнallange™ Contestant - Challenge: the sky\'s the limit. Contestant - Challenge: the sky\'s the limit. Contestant - Challenge: VK Contestant - Challenge: MAKE A FUNNY VALENTINE CARD!!! Contestant - Challenge: MAKE A FUNNY VALENTINE CARD!!! Contestant - Challenge: There is no one like you. Contestant - Challenge: There is no one like you. Contestant - Challenge: There is no one like you. Winner - Challenge: Movie madness Contestant - Challenge: Halloween: Trick or Treat! Contestant - Challenge: Halloween: Trick or Treat! Contestant - Challenge: Anime Fun! Contestant - Challenge: Anime Fun! Contestant - Challenge: Anime Fun! Contestant - Challenge: Make Me Laugh Contestant - Challenge: Just A Bunch of Failures! Contestant - Challenge: Just A Bunch of Failures!

Subscriptions 120 subscriptions

  • josephine12cute
  • M.I.N.
  • xixisuoh
  • SakuraDust
  • BabyD
  • Murder Princess
  • DixieWings
  • AngelsCryTo
  • killua2512
  • Support KIRA
  • Hanako Sho
  • HaruhiFujioka14
  • GaarasEmoX3
  • EoAA
  • Fumi chan
  • lunastarz

Subscribers 205 subscribers Favoritefavorite

  • LightFykki
  • xemokidx
  • CDCDCD89
  • Yammi chan
  • OnlyAMarionette
  • HelloKatty
  • Xenesis
  • ReiKiba
  • Alicie
  • Namie Kamikaze
  • dfdfdfdf
  • Luckygirl
  • MFran
  • Yoshimoshi
  • NekoSweetie
  • saki 1234

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