First let me get the credits out of the way...
( x | x | x | x | x | x )
Alrighty then. I really love this challenge, because it's honestly one of the most creative challenges I've encountered in a long while. Who doesn't like making up fake movie posters, amirite? The concept for this poster was spawned from the newest installation of the Pirates of the Caribbean saga. However, I used the second film's poster as reference. I didn't add any tentacles or weird tribal people, though...
Anyway, I included the film credits that can usually be found on most posters. The credits are real, meaning I included actual staff names (whether you can read them or not is another story...). Overall, this card took me around 8 hours to complete. SUCH A LONG TIME FOR ME TO MAKE SOMETHING.
Please comment if possible! I would really like to hear everyone's opinions on this. :)