This goes out to my friend 21Emmz12, and all you Canadians out there--YAY FOR CANADA DAY!
Oh, America, you're SO nice...Having your "day" 3 days later, XD
What? Oh, he has something important to say! America: Drink maple syrup, look at maple leaves, and do whatever else you Canadians do! I'M THE HERO!!!
Have a fun day, everyone! I wish I could be there partying in CAN-A-DA! XD
| Canada is from a direct screenshot of episode 19 | [Bear Paw] | [Maple Leaf] | [Canada Text] | [American Flag] | [America Chibi] | [Star] | [Texture #1] | [Speech Bubble Brushes] | Fonts: The Only Exception + Trebuchet MS | Creation time: 3 hours | Created with: GIMP! |