This is one inspiring challenge:3 At least, to me... I'm always inspired when people want to do something for their friends:3 So here's my entry!^^ OnlyAMarionette: it said in the description that your friend likes USUK, so - here you goX3 I hope you like it!:3 (And your friend, of course:3)
I went with a bit of a different approach to this card...x3 Of course I enhanced the colours of the image, then added some gradients at different opacities and blend modes, then went back to enhance the colours more and erase bits of certain gradients to make some parts of the image stand out more (the eyes!o3o xD) And of course, the typography:3 Was having a bit of trouble there, but I kinda like it now:3 Also, I like the faded text bar!xD I think I'm gonna use it more often Oh yeah, there's also a sparkle texture8D #statingtheobvious (
oh look who's spending too much time on Twitter!>3<)
Feedback, as always, is VERY much appreciated! <333
Time taken: 2-3 hours
Done in: PS 6 with tablet
Scan from minitokyo
Sparkle texture by Tigers-Stock on dA
Fonts: Callie Hand ( and Book Antiqua (standard)
Dedicated to: OnlyAMarionette, for hosting the challenge!^^