My entry for Ritona Raito's Sell it to me challenge!
I hope this looks alright, it took longer than expected to make >.>
Soul Eater wasn't something I had planned on watching for a while or anything. I just decided to watch a couple episodes one day, and it was surprisingly good. I was hooked almost instantly.
It has a bit of everything. The art style is unique, which is probably the first thing any viewer would notice. It's a change from the usual and I personally love that. The action is awesome--while watching it, I was like "I wish I could do that!" You will end up loving at least one character, whether it be Death the Kid and his OCD, Dr. Stein's insanity, or Crona's inability to deal with anything. Soul Eater is also one of the funniest animes I've seen. And last but not least, the music is AWESOME. I've seen quite a few animes, but Soul Eater's soundtrack tops any other anime soundtrack I know of.
I highly recommend watching this anime if you haven't seen it. It's one of my favorites and is something I could watch over and over again ^^
Comments, critiques, and hugs are very much appreciated!