"There's no such thing as a painless lesson...they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary...you can't gain anything without losing something first. Although...if you can endure that pain, and walk away from it...you will find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle.....yeah...a heart made fullmetal."
- Edward Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist
Today I went to Supernova, an anime convention in Australia and for the first time, I got to meet Vic Mignogna!
He is soso adorable! I am so happy that I got a chance to meet him! So, I made a ecard of Edward Elric, in which he signed for me. >//u//<
Having Vic Mignogna:
- Sign my Fullmetal Alchemist dvd - You can see it HERE
- Tell me the top I was wearing was pretty - I was wearing this one :3
- Said that he loved my city of Adelaide. :D
- Give me the most amazing hug, and told me I gave an amazing one back!
= The best day ever! That man is adorable both inside and out! You can't help but fall in love with him. ♥
If he kissed me on the cheek, like he did some other people, I swear, I would have fainted or my ovaries would have exploded! ahah! He was soo adorable! If he were a jelly- donut, I would have squeezed the jam outta him!
When I hugged him, if I had it my way, I wouldn't have let go. I was like 'just a bit longer' ahah xD But he was soso down to earth and adorable! I wanted to take him home! I did film some of his panel and take some pictures, which you can see some on my Facebook.
I could go on and on about how adorable he was ♥, but then I would never show my resources.
Scan - x
Transmutation circle - x
Dedicated to ItachiSasuke, for putting me in your *~@LL @b0ut YoU~*