YAY! 300+ votes!!
X3 X3 X3
Thanx so much guys!! *huggles u all*
^.^ yea, this pic took 4ever...but It turned out so good!! ^^ I LUVS IT! :D
The art is by me, but not all the characters. I'm sure u can reconize the BLEACH, Digimon, pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, and Naruto chars. un, so here r the ocs
Takara(c)what the...
Rei Uruhara,Moro,Keirx,Takashi Takeda()MEE!!!(FUNimation)
uhm, yea, there r many mistakes on the ocs I know. but that's cuz I didn't use a reference. :O actually I didn't use a reference for any of these chibis(btw there r 36 chibis total ^.^)
anyways, Hope u like this guys!!