To Goku-chan's and somegirl/Jae's contest! HUZZAH!
One word: EWW!
Why? Another word: watercolors. DX
It started out going so well, and then it all went downhill with the right side. And I wanted to do this really cool technique with ceran (I doubt that's how it's spelled) wrap, but, of course, we don't have any. RAWR. D:<
I need to work on my 'watercolor skills'. Though I guess this okay for my first drawing with actual watercolors, not watercolor pencils.
SO MUCH RAIN HERE. Too much rain + low ground + tornado warnings + severe thunderstorm warnings + flooded basement = not much fun for Pudding!
I really hope this doesn't suck too much. >.>
Anyone else noticed the *unplanned* U.S. colors? :D
Methinks the wings look okay?