For mewmewlover55's musical contest. I just hope it's decent looking. My copy of Photoshop's been acting up lately.
This is my band. We used to call the band D6D9 until recently. We're now called the FFB, short for the Flaming Fag Brigade (we also call it the Burning Cigarettes to not offend people). We're an alternative/rock/rap/hiphop group who has never recorded anything yet. I'm in the middle, I'm Follyfly. I'm the only girl in the group. I'm the only one who knows how to mix, rig stage lights, and rap pretty good. To my left is the lead singer, my friend Shammycake. He's the lead singer and he looks great topless. To my right is the piano playing Mistykeli. The person in the background is Lithykat, who could play the trombone and the sax. He got married a month ago.
The random stuff in the background has some of the "songs" we wrote about, such as a clown clock (electric baby), corn (Nebraskan sunrise), yellow police tape (AWOL), stringy stars (the universe is a bleeping fake), soda (aura fizzy), and a few more. I'm probably the person who draws the weirdest animals. Those fluffy things are bats.
We are not making any records in the future. Sorry.