ElvesAteMyRamen (Fan Art Portfolio) Safe in Your Arms

Safe in Your Arms
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I wanted to practice more using Photoshop to color my drawings. As much as I love traditional, this is a world going digital and I need to expand my art pallet.

So, here's my 2nd attempt at coloring all in Photoshop...I'm very happy with the way it came out since it's so much easier to play around with lighting when working on the computer...plus, unlike my first attempt at coloring on the computer, I actually had *time* to work on this one and really take my time to learn things. I was on a tight deadline with my last one.

This has always been one of my fave scenes with Tamaki and Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club and I've always wanted to do a fan art based off it so...I finally did! *pets Tamaki*

Medium: I drew it first with regular pencil and paper then uploaded the sketch in Manga Studio Ex to outline it. I then colored and completed it in Photoshop CS3.

Ouran High School Host Club Fan Art
haruhi, hug, ouran high school host club, tamaki
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