An ANGELFISH more likely! ^^
LOL, I never actually designed her form.
Unknown-chan did for me when I asked her to do a small art request of Roxine in an Atlantican form.
So I referenced it off from her artwork she did! ^^
It's here at this link: CLICKY HERE!!
I redid the end of her tail a bit. ^^"
Anyway, last forms entry for her contest, too.
Whoo! Thanks for extending the final deadlines! XD
Now I've got all three forms in! ^^
Her hair almost looks real! @_@ If it weren't for her hair ends... >>"
And I also had to reference this post from a nice picture of Chii from "Tsubasa RC" =3
She was underwater anyway. XD
Er...I failed at the seaweed. I was going to draw it, but I forgot after I realized from scanning it up. Oopsies... >>"
So I used grass and BLURRED! >8D
The water wasn't so hard. I just blurred here and there and used Burning and Dodging to get it in the right spots. =3
OMG, BUBBLES! 8D Had a Bubble brush. Came in handy. ^^
So anyway, that's all I have.
Enjoy! ^^
Roxine (c) Smartanimegirl (MEIN, YUU FEWLS! LOL, JK, you ain't fewls.
Bubble Brush (c) Obsidian Dawn (link!)