moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Rock Band 2 Junk...

Rock Band 2 Junk...
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Dude. This pic is huge. Download in High Resolution.
Anyways.... I had 5 pages of Rock Band doodles, and I decided to cramp it all onto one submission. xDD Follow the numbers, and I'll explain the pics here...
1) My Rock Band 2 character, Dare. This was my first time drawing him, so it looks... weird. I also drew him too short. xP
2) My sis's character, Loyal. I drew her really weird. o.o;; (I drew a better pic of her at number 19. XD)
3) My other character, Michka. :d Even though she wears an eyepatch, her eye is still fully functional... xD She wears it cos she thinks it looks cool. :D
4) My other sis's character, Zack. :d
5) Doodle of Loyal's head
6) Doodle of Dare's head
7) Look farmiliar? :d I drew their heads on Microsoft Paint earlier, if you remember. xD It's Dare on the right, and Loyal on the left.
8) Another doodle of Dare...
9) A doodle of Loyal. xD She's saying, "I love the Fire breathin grampaZ!". The fire breathin grampaz was my cousin's band name. xD
10) I bought Dare a new outfit, so I tried drawing it... just a 2 second doodle. xD
11) AN ARM. >:D ... *cough* yeah. Dare's arms are really skinny in the game, so I tried drawing that. xD
12) Doodle of Loyal. (She's saying, "Whatta Jyerk!" xD)
13) Doodle of Michka. (She's saying, "Excuse me?")
14) Doodle of Zack. (He's saying, "Woo!!". :d By the way, he's holding a mic.)
15) Doodle of Loyal and Dare. :d Loyal's on the left, and Dare's on the right. :3
16) ... >.>;; Move along...
17) Doodle of Dare. (He's saying, "Why am I even here?")
18) Doodle of Michka. (She's saying, "Hmm...")
19) A better pic of loyal. :3 Sorry it's sideways..
20) Zack and Michka. xD Michka's saying "Get off me, Zack..."
21) An eye. xD
22) Doodle of Dare.
23) Sparkley doodle of Loyal.
24) Doodle of Michka (left), Dare (middle), and Zack (right).
25) Random Hands. xD

Phew... Glad that's over. o.o;; Thanks for reading. XD

Rock Band Fan Art
dare, loyal, michka, rock band, rock band 2, zack
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