Seriously, why do I always draw Pocky when I draw these two? XD
A late birthday pic for Fun-chan! Sorry it's late. ;u; and happy pi day! XD
Let's all celebrate the good 'ol number 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998- *gets shot* (credit to pi site, I only memorized till 11 digits, I'm not that smart. XD)
Graffiti is awesomeness (not the bad onez you see in real life of course) I had a blast graffitying all over the walls, it's fun. C:
I pretty much spent on it the whole day while buzzing around TheO. XD
btw, for those who don't know, π is a Greek alphabet, I learned it in Greek class, lmao. XD
Rei © FUNimation
- pen, OpenCanvas 1.1, & Arcsoft PhotoStudio 5.5
RSRKingdomStars (Fan Art Portfolio) RokuRei (Happi Pi Day)
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- Created
- 03/14/09
- Category
- Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
- Tags
- fun-chan, funimation, gangsta, pi, pi day, pocky, rei, roxas, skateborad
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- 61 votes
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- FUNimation
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