I used to draw dragons of all nature elements a lot when I was little, but I haven't drawn one in a while now... XD Dedicated to angel-chan~! C:
I tried to make it look even more unique by fading the outline that I drew lightly in pencil, so it gives a painting effect. ^u^;
Like I said in my manga BRN, my internet hasn't been working for a week now, so I'm sneaking here and there to find a public computer to use. @u@; (I'm in the library now)
p.s. Sorry if it looks too bright on your computer, my monitor is a little less contrasted than most of yours. (I noticed that some of my artworks have ppl with banana yellow skin even though it looks like normal skin color to me XD oops) Everything is so bright and contrasted on this monitor, eep. @_@; (maybe I'm just not used to it XD)
Anywho, I'll submit my athena battle art in my scraps after this if you wanna check it out. (Karin vs Annabeth) epic-ness :P lol
Art © RSRKingdomStars (me)
No Stealing~<3
- draft; pencil
colored in; OpenCanvas 1.1
edited in; PhotoStudio 5.5