Lion Girl sprinting through the canopy...
One of the characters from the children's book series I am illustrating, titled The Safari Girls. We've gotten the prologue done (Coming to bookshelves sometime in July!), and this summer we're going to start the illustrations for the second book, which is Lion Girl's. She does have a name, I just haven't been let in on it yet, lol. I only know Butterfly Girl's name.
I've redesigned all the girls to suit my current style better. Here is what Lion Girl looked like last year: LINK.
Pretty ugly, huh? I made them look all look much younger, for starters. I'm changing some of their clothing a little bit, exaggerating their attitudes (Lion Girl's is more daredevil-ish, feistier, smug, etc), and changing their color schemes. They're enough for a change, but I keep the same basic design that the authors liked.
I'm really excited to do Lion Girl's book... she's my favorite to draw, probably. :)
Photoshop CS4
2 hours.
Ran by Azeda Booth.
PS: I got the Creative Suite Premium for CS4 yesterday from Baylor, along with an iPod touch! My mom totally splurged with the CS4 (severely discounted, though), but the iPod touch was a free bonus in a Macbook package (Mom got the Macbook, Chelsea got a printer, I got the iPod touch). Now if only they could get me Left 4 Dead...