Oops, forgot the tail... ^^;
Heey, everyone, been a long time, eh? I managed to find some free time to make Pochama's bday present~ I know it's not great, you can hate me if you want...(TT ^ TT) I'll give you a better present next time, ne? ;3
I was randomly thinking of my OCs in a rock band, this is Rinku wearing his outfit if he was ever in a rock band. Lol, the skirt can be shorts, if it bothers anyone.
I'm practicing my cging there, I've yet to fin the K-ON! fanart...but, I'm definitely cging it like how I did Rinku. Doing the hair's highlights is HARD!! I totally exhausted myself... (Barely looks nice, I can't cg as well as my idol...)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Pochama~~~ Hope you get lots of sweets ♥ ♥
Gotta run, I'll check up on everyone later~ ^^;;
Enjoy ♥
(Resident Evil 5 rules, and omg, Metal Gear Solid 4 is sooo awesome ♥ ♥ I watched my brother play it, I was trying to listen for a certain VA...hehe, and I played as Sheva in RE5, so much fun~)